Orange County NC Website
16.1 Include the provision of ade- <br /> quate public safety protection stan- <br /> dards for residential, commercial <br /> and industrial development. <br /> 16.2 Include road design standards <br /> to ensure adequate emergency vehicle <br /> access in site design standards for <br /> residential, commercial and indus- <br /> trial development. <br /> 8.2.4 In addition to the General Stan- <br /> dard's stated in 8.2 the following <br /> Specific Standards shall be addressed <br /> by the applicant before the issuance of <br /> a Special Use Permit: <br /> a) Method and adequacy of provision of a) The Town of Hillsborough has a- <br /> sewage disposal facilities, solid waste, greed to supply both water and sani- <br /> and water. tary sewer service to the proposed <br /> development. Solid waste disposal <br /> is proposed to be provided by dump- <br /> . <br /> sters that will be hauled away by a <br /> private contractor. <br /> b) Method and adequacy of police, b) Police protection will be pro- <br /> . <br /> fire and rescue squad protection. vided by the Orange County Sheriff's <br /> Department, fire protection by Orange <br /> Rural Volunteer Fire Department, and <br /> rescue protection by Orange County <br /> EMS. <br /> c) Method and adequacy of vehicle c) Access to this site is from State <br /> access to the site and traffic condi- Secondary Road 1006 (Orange Grove <br /> tions around the site. Road) . Accurate traffic counts are <br /> un available' on this section of Orange <br /> Grove Road. 1978 figures south of <br /> this area showed an ADT count of 790 <br /> vehicles. Estimated traffic generated <br /> by this development is 632. This pro- <br /> ject will very significantly increase <br /> the traffic on Orange Grove Road. <br /> Although the project lies adjacent <br /> to an existing Interstate and a pro- <br /> posed Interstate the closest access <br /> is about 2 miles away. There is no <br /> public transportation available in <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> 24 <br />