Orange County NC Website
The Timbers (Class A) Special Use <br /> Permit Application <br /> The following information is the orange County Planning Boards findings of <br /> fact concerning Fred Cates request for a Class A Special Use Permit under <br /> section 8.8.23 of the Orange county Zoning Ordinance. The corresponding <br /> zoning district he has applied for is R-8. <br /> The following evidence has been supplied by the applicant or by the Orange <br /> County Planning Department. <br /> mmmm'mmmu 'm'n.w Article 8 S.-cial Uses. <br /> Ordinance requires: Findings: <br /> 8.2.1 a) The applicant shall have the The Planning Board finds that the <br /> burden of establishing, by competent applicant has presented competent <br /> material and substantial evidence, the material and substantial evidence <br /> existence of the facts and conditions for the approval of the requests <br /> which this ordinance requires for with the attached imposed conditions. <br /> approval1 and <br /> 8.2.1 b) The Board shall make written The applicant has provided figures <br /> findings certifying compliance with that indicate compliance with Article <br /> the specific rules governing such in- 5, Dimensional Requirements and <br /> dividual Special Use and that the use, Article 6, Application of Dimensional <br /> which is listed as a Special Use in the Requirements. The site plan as <br /> district in which it is proposed to be drawn does not meet the minimum build- <br /> located, complies with all required re- ing setback requirement in Section <br /> gulations and standards, including the 6.12.3. The applicant has requested <br /> provisions of Article 5 and 6 of this that this requirement be waived <br /> ordinance, unless greater or different according to the site plan. <br /> regulations are contained in the indi- <br /> vidual standards for the specific <br /> Special Use. It shall be the res- <br /> sponsibility of the applicant to pre- <br /> sent evidence in the form of testi- <br /> mony, exhibits, documents, models, <br /> plans and the like to support the <br /> application for approval of a <br /> Special Use. <br /> 8.2.2. Where the Board finds a perpon- <br /> derence of evidence to indicate compli- <br /> ance with the general standards, spe- <br /> cific rules governing the specific use <br /> and that the use complies with all re- <br /> required regul4tions and standards, the <br /> application must be approved unless the <br /> Board shall also find, in some specific <br /> manner that: <br /> 21 <br />