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C.,1. <br /> Ottiit3r <br /> involved and what happened, he put the ceiling in and then worked on the roof; <br /> but he had to in order not to go over because of the subcontractors were in fact <br /> were there. I agree with you. Let's hope no snow came or no rains or he <br /> would have possibly have been out of business with bankruptcy. I understand <br /> that. He understands that too. What I'd likeio do when you complete your <br /> ,... , <br /> motion, sir; and I'm grateful to You for letting me speak now. Ah, is, I'd <br /> like to know what the County Manager's decision is before I leave and I want <br /> to congratulate you for letting me come to talk to you I'm here in the name <br /> . . <br /> of fairness, honesty, because I do want to see what goes on and if signOffs <br /> don't mean anything, I'm going to go to HUD as soon as I leave here and tell <br /> them to stop requiring them in the package. <br /> Chairman Whiffed: The the Manager's reccrnmendatiOn is to continue to ban the Kidd <br /> Smith Company from participating in the Cammunity Development project of Orange <br /> County. That motion has been made and it's been seconded. All those in favor <br /> of the motion say "Aye;" <br /> Commissioners Gustaveson, Marshall, Whitted and Willhoit: Aye. <br /> Chairman Whiffed: Those opposed say, "No." <br /> ComMISSioner Walker: No. <br /> Chairman Whitted: The motion carries four to one. Thank you. <br /> Mr. Levi: Well, I'd like to know what the County Manager's recommendation is and <br /> I'm sure I'm gonna be asked what ah criteria he used for doing this. What <br /> is it? Did he just say, "I hereby reccmmend that it be denied," or, <br /> Chairman Whitted (Interrupting) : The same basis, the Manager is here; but it's <br /> on the same basis that the COmmUnity Development Director used <br /> Mt. levi (Interrupting): Have they taken the Fifth Amendment? The Manager and <br /> the ah gentleman here? Cr do we have some kind of vocal disturbance? <br /> Commissioner Wilihoit: We have it better than that. We have it in writing. <br /> Mr. Levi: May I get ah may I get a copy? <br /> Commissioner Wilihoit: You may see the Manager. <br /> Commissioner Gustaveson: Well, I think you've received a copy; it's addressed to <br /> Mr. Charles Smith. <br /> Chairman Whitted: We don't have anything additional to what was sent to Mr. Smith <br /> on July 16th. <br /> Mr. Levi: Oh, you mean you have acted on the basis of what Mr. Smith already has? <br /> Chairman WI-Lifted: And reconfirmed on January 22nd. <br />