Orange County NC Website
39 <br /> If your board/commission played the role of an Element Lead Advisory Board involved in the 2030 <br /> Comprehensive Plan preparation process, please indicate your board's activities/accomplishments <br /> as they may relate to the Comprehensive Plan's goals or objectives. <br /> (The Element Lead Advisory Boards include: Planning Board, EDC, OUTBoard, Commission for the <br /> Environment, Historic Preservation Commission, Agriculture Preservation Board, Affordable <br /> Housing Board, Recreation and Parks Advisory Council) <br /> Not Applicable <br /> Identify any activities this board/commission expects to carry out in 2017 as they relate to <br /> established BOCC goals and priorities. <br /> If applicable, is there a fiscal impact (i.e., funding, staff time, other resources) associated with these <br /> proposed activities (please list). <br /> Goal 3: Implement planning and economic development policies which create a balanced, dynamic local <br /> economy, and which promote diversity, sustainable growth, and enhanced revenue while embracing <br /> community values. <br /> • Partnerships The OCAC plans to create new programs and partnerships with both agencies within <br /> Orange County government, as well as among the overall arts community of Orange County. We plan to <br /> host a series of focus groups and social events in Spring 2017 with the goal of uniting the arts community <br /> and identifying ways in which we can work together to promote Orange County as an arts destination. <br /> • Economic Development Orange County has significantly more arts resources than our neighbors in <br /> Wake and Durham Counties, as well as a higher (and more successful) population of arts organizations and <br /> working artists. The OCAC plans to determine a strategy in 2017 to unify the arts community and work <br /> together to make the arts as much of a destination for the county as sports, history and food, even further <br /> contributing to the economy of the county. We plan to identify the areas of greatest need and coordinate a <br /> plan of action to tackle these needs. Examples may include enhanced advertising/promotion, a need for <br /> affordable studio space for visual artists and performance space for performing arts, and better collaboration <br /> between arts organizations. <br /> Goal 6: Ensure a high quality of life and lifelong learning that champions diversity, education at all levels, <br /> libraries, parks, recreation, and animal welfare. <br /> The arts are critical to a high quality of life. The OCAC wants to make the arts accessible to all, regardless of <br /> socio-economic status and will be working in 2017 to consider ways in which to make this possible. Priority <br /> will continue to be places on at-risk communities during our grant cycles, as well as new projects and <br /> partnerships to make the arts accessible. <br /> What are the concerns or emerging issues your board has identified for the upcoming year that it <br /> plans to address, or wishes to bring to the Commissioners' attention? <br /> The OCAC is in a significant period of transition. It is the feeling of the commission's new director Katie <br /> Murray, as well as the Advisory Board that in addition to serving as the Designated County Partner with the <br /> NC Arts Council and managing grant funds, the OCAC can play a much larger role in elevating the arts <br /> community. Currently, we are working to identify the areas of need and the challenges associated with them. <br /> Several short-term areas of need have been identified including: <br /> 1. PROMOTION/MARKETING: Most organizations within the county are nonprofit organizations with limited <br /> marketing budgets, working to promote their own programs and projects. <br />