Minutes 02-23-2017
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-23-2017
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3/23/2017 4:22:02 PM
Creation date
3/23/2017 9:11:36 AM
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Agenda - 02-23-2017 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 02-23-2017 - Work Session
Agenda - 02-23-2017 - Abstract for Joint Meeting Discussions
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10 <br /> Commissioner Ferguson asked if there is an update on the Mountains to Sea Trail <br /> (MTS). <br /> David Stancil, Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br /> Director, said the final community meeting will be held on March 6th, and a preferred route has <br /> been determined, as well as three alternate routes. He said this will be discussed at the March <br /> 6th meeting. He said the focus is on the stretch south from Occaneechee Mountain towards <br /> Saxapahaw and the Alamance County line. He said the recommendation is to focus initially on <br /> the stretch from Occaneechee Mountain back to the 7 Mile Creek Preserve. He said the goal <br /> is to extend the existing trail from where it stops with the River Walk to the 7 Mile Creek <br /> Preserve. He said this meeting will be held at the Whitted Building at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Mayor Stevens recognized Orange County for their contribution to River Park with the <br /> signage, etc. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said there is a public information open house about hydrilla on <br /> March 1st, at the Cedar Grove Community Center. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said when he travels on the cut through from Orange Grove <br /> Road to Weaver Street, there is a narrow railroad underpass which is limiting. He said if this <br /> were changed, more traffic could use this route instead of Churton Street. <br /> Margaret Hauth said the right of way through the underpass is owned by the Carolina <br /> Railroad Company. She said some work was done recently to reinforce that trestle. She said <br /> one of their engineers will be in town tomorrow to look at the two trestles located there. <br /> Commissioner Weaver said the residents on that road want the traffic to go slowly. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is a status update on the Hillsborough Youth <br /> Athletic Association (HYAA) ball fields. <br /> Margaret Hauth said HYAA is welcome to use the fields until the train station is built. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the Town has any interest in helping to develop new <br /> fields. <br /> Mayor Stevens said the Town can offer process help, but not monetary help. He said <br /> the Town purchased that land in order to land bank it for a potential rail station, but also so the <br /> Town could have some control over this land going forward. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if there is room on that property to shift the fields over, or <br /> to ask the Collins Ridge developer to donate some property. <br /> Margaret Hauth said there is room on the Town's 20 acres to relocate the fields, but the <br /> topography may not be accommodating, and it may interfere with the goal for economic <br /> development in the area. <br /> David Stancil said DEAPR met with Hillsborough Youth Athletic Association leadership, <br /> and property options are being considered. He said a partnership with the Town would be <br /> welcomed. <br /> 3) Transit/Transportation <br /> a) Managing transportation/traffic impacts of new growth (Transportation Improvement <br /> Plan <br /> Churton Street/Orange Grove Road update**; Rail Station update**; circulator route <br /> update**; Go Triangle bus routes*; interstate improvements and `by-pass' strategies*, <br /> Mayo-Eno Mountain project*; other traffic mitigation projects*) <br /> NCDOT has Kimley Horn under contract to design this project. Some preliminary meetings <br /> were held last year. The alignment of the road has not yet been determines. The best crossing <br /> type and location for the railroad is being evaluated. Once that is determined, the remainder of <br /> the project will be more certain. The project reschedule is unchanged in the draft <br />
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