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4 <br /> 4. Co-location Opportunity: A new EAC could be built on the northern periphery of <br /> Hillsborough, and a potential co-location of the EAC with the Parks Operations Base <br /> (currently contemplated in the FY18-19 CIP to be located at Blackwood Farm) would <br /> provide operational and capital cost synergies and efficiencies--such as forgoing any <br /> major septic system required at Blackwood Farm, and reducing needed infrastructure <br /> (parking lots, storage, etc.). Furthermore, all of the DEAPR divisions and related <br /> agencies less the Recreation Staff would essentially be housed on the same campus. If <br /> these co-located facilities were built on the -4 acres of developable County-owned <br /> property between Fairview Park and the County garage, additional shared infrastructure <br /> efficiencies are possible. Space for outdoor training, assembly, and demonstration areas <br /> is also available being adjacent to Fairview Park. <br /> 5. Opportunity to Remedy Major Repair Needs: The current physical assessment of the <br /> major systems replacements, parking repair and re-surfacing of the Revere road facility <br /> corroborate the estimated costs of $1,354,000 reflected in the FY2013-18 CIP. <br /> Investment in these repairs and subsequent ongoing maintenance would improve the <br /> facility; however customer service, administrative efficiencies, and energy efficiency of <br /> the facility would not be addressed. <br /> Development Options Summary and Characteristics <br /> 1. Renovate Existing EAC Facility on Revere Road <br /> a. Overview - Renovate the existing 306 Revere Road facility and parking lot area; <br /> structurally sound building shell remains with a major systems and interior space <br /> renovation; new roof and parking lot (see Attachment 2, "Revere Road EAC Site and <br /> Space Plans") <br /> b. Probable Cost Estimate - $3,685,000. This includes an additional amount of <br /> $235,000 to be added in the FY2017-22 Capital Investment Plan ("CIP") <br /> c. Comparative Advantages/Disadvantages - Advantages: 1) Achieves functional <br /> efficiency for customers and administrative staff; 2) increases energy efficiency; and 3) <br /> is the lowest cost option. Disadvantages: Site may not be the highest and best use; <br /> building footprint and site geometry limitations do not optimize site and space <br /> functionality. <br /> d. Conformance with BOCC Space Planning Principles - Co-location, Owned <br /> Property, and Sustainable design principles are met. Consolidation and Highest and <br /> Best Use could be considered being met with further discussion. <br /> 2a. New Construction of EAC Facility on Torain/Public Works Drive County Property <br /> a. Overview - Build a new EAC facility on County owned property adjacent to Fairview <br /> Park and County Fleet operations campus on Public Works Drive (see Attachment 3, <br /> "Torain Street/Public Works Drive Aerial"). The recommended construction method is a <br /> pre-engineered steel structure with premium exterior cladding and appropriately design <br /> interior upfits (page 27, HH Architecture Study). <br />