Orange County NC Website
MS. JULIE ANDRESEN, a member of the Chapel Hill Town Council, stated that the <br /> Town has finally written an airport into their Comprehensive Plan. The Horace <br /> Williams Airport is a non-conforming use. She stated that in 1970 the University <br /> paved the airport. Over the years the feeling at UNC has changed several times. <br /> However, the assumption has been that the University would move that airport. The <br /> most recent document she has is a letter to Commissioner Whitted, dated March 8, 1982, <br /> that states that "the University Administration and Trustees hereby indicate the <br /> University's willingness to phase out all non-University use of Horace Williams <br /> Airport." Recently, the Town of Chapel Hill missed an opportunity to make the Airport <br /> a Permitted Use. This would have been an improvement because it would have made the <br /> airport operations regulated ones. Currently, the airport is regulated by its own <br /> rules. In the year following this missed opportunity there were four crashes at the <br /> airport. The Town Council issued a Resolution saying that they thought we should have <br /> an alternative airport. She stated that she is going to do everything in her power to <br /> press the Town Council forward on this matter and to initiate discussions with the <br /> University to further regulate the activity at Horace Williams. She believes that the <br /> community could live with a University-only airport and she encourages the <br /> Commissioners to help as the Town Council proceeds on this issue. <br /> An unidentified citizen asked the Commissioners to explain how public meetings <br /> are normally advertised. Chairman Carey stated that the law requires that all <br /> meetings be advertised 48 hours before the meeting. The advertisement is placed in <br /> three newspaper. The regular meetings are announced for the balance of the year; the <br /> Commissioners meet on the first Monday and third Tuesday, with some exceptions. Also, <br /> we send a notice of each Special Meeting to everyone who requests that their name be <br /> placed on the Sunshine list. <br /> MR. JAY ZARAGOZA stated that by voting prior to the Public Hearings, the <br /> Commissioners have been able to have citizens address potential solutions to economic <br /> development problems. <br /> There being no further citizen comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:35 <br /> p.m. <br /> Moses Carey, Jr. , Chairman <br /> Kathy Baker, Deputy Clerk to the Board <br />