Agenda - 04-18-1989
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-18-1989
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Last modified
3/10/2017 2:17:41 PM
Creation date
3/10/2017 2:11:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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5 <br /> NEW HOPE CREEK OPEN SPACE CORRIDOR <br /> GOAL: Preserve an open space corridor linking the Eno River State Park, the New Hope Creek Corps <br /> lands and the growing communities of Durham, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro for aesthetic, <br /> environmental, educational, and recreational purposes, and as a means of shaping the urban <br /> form of the area. <br /> OBJECTIVES: <br /> Coordination <br /> 1. Coordinate corridor preservation and possible trail development activities among the jurisdictions <br /> and agencies involved. <br /> Open Space <br /> 2. Identify lands presently preserved as open space and as open space with public access. <br /> . 3. Identify the preferred location and.size of the open space corridor to be preserved. <br /> 4. Identify strategic segments where open space needs to be protected and where public access <br /> needs to be secured. <br /> 5. Develop a program for acquiring land, conservation easements,-trail easements, or otherwise <br /> preserving land, as necessary to protect the open space corridor. <br /> Trails • <br /> 6. Identify a primary trail route through the open space corridor. <br /> 7. Develop a program for trail development where appropriate, including such elements as priorities, <br /> financing, roles and responsibilities of major actors. <br /> 8. Identify appropriate locations for and develop facilities for parking and trail access. <br /> 9. Identify and coordinate trail access to activity sites along the corridor such as schools, educational <br /> and interpretive centers, etc. <br /> Educational Facilities <br /> 10. Identify facilities to be used for nature and environmental education. • <br /> 11. Develop a plan for and facilitate acquisition and management of educational facilities. <br /> • DESCRIPTION OF THE CORRIDOR: <br /> The proposed corridor extends north from Jordan Lake Corps land on New Hope Creek. and includes <br /> a loop, one side utilizing Mud Creek and the Durham Division of Duke Forest. The other side of the <br /> loop extends into Orange County through the Korstian Division of Duke Forest, and follows a trail <br /> already blazed by the Triangle Greenways Council from the Korstian Division into the Durham Division <br /> as part of the Circle-the-Triangle Trail. In the Durham Division both sides of the loop join again and the <br /> corridor then extends to the Eno River along one of several possible alternative routes. The entire loop <br /> from Corps land to the Eno River is approximately 18 miles. The entire floodplain of Mud Creek and <br /> New Hope Creek in Durfiiiii County is approximately 800 acres-Of this perhaps 400 acres are either <br /> in Duke Forest or within existing developments. Perhaps another 100 acres of New Hope Creek <br /> floodplain is in Orange County outside Duke Forest. <br /> All available floodplain will be acquired, perhaps 500 acres, on Mud and New Hope Creeks. A 200' <br /> wide corridor will be acquired connecting the Duke Forest tracts and connecting with Eno River State <br /> Eassmasmossar--- <br />
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