Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-09-2006
Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
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9/1/2008 9:25:29 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 9:04:15 AM
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0 <br />If funds permit, pre-grading of the future (Phase 2) playing fields has been suggested, to <br />prepare them for quicker implementation in the next phase. <br />If pre-grading does not occur, it is possible that the remainder of the former fann fields / <br />future playing field area could be cleared to enable agricultural activity, until such time as <br />the additional fields are constructed. This would require harvesting of the pine and <br />sweetgum for pulpwood, and preparation and replanting of the area for production. <br />B. Potential for Contractual A14ricultural Production and Revenue <br />Generation <br />The following table summarizes the four sites described above, with their activities and a <br />preliminary feasibility assessment. <br />As the table above and previous sections indicate, two of the four sites are currently in <br />agricultural production with no inuninent plans for park construction, making continued <br />agricultural practices possible. The Northern Park East Tract may have some acreage that <br />are suitable for agricultural use, but a preliminary assessment is that it may be impractical <br />to weave farm operations around the layout of the wastewater system for 5 acres of fields. <br />There may, however, be very short-tern possibilities depending on the timing of the <br />wastewater, system. Twin Creeks Park has former farm fields of approximately 25 acres, <br />but these fields now contain 10 to 20-year old early succession tree cover. The young <br />trees could be harvested for pulpwood and the fields prepared, reseeded and planted, but <br />with construction of the first phase of Twin Creeks Park slated for 2008, any activities <br />may be of a short-temp nature. Given the time needed to harvest and replant and the short <br />window of activity, reintroducing agr'icultur'e on a large scale at this site may not be cost- <br />effective. However, if the future phase fields are not pre-graded, this area may be <br />available for agriculture as noted above. Some small-scale gardens may be another option <br />for further consideration. <br />In summary, two of the County-owned sites are currently in agricultural use, and may <br />have the potential for continued activity (perhaps through a lease arrangement). The other <br />two sites could have some potential for agricultural use, but would need further research
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