Orange County NC Website
<br />a master plan for this site in 2005. Of the total site, 149 acres were part of the former <br />loin Henry Cate faun, out of operation since the late 1970's. <br />Although the property has grown up over the years to the point where most of the site is <br />vegetated, there were historically several areas of the site that were used for agriculture. <br />The primary sites were: <br />? The Old 86 Meadow (5 acres +/-) <br />? The Northern Meadow (4 acres +/-), and <br />? The Farm Fields (25-30 acres) <br />None of these areas is currently in cultivation. <br />The Old 86 Meadow is located at the entry point to the future park, and is planned to be <br />retained as a meadow both as the visual entranceway and a potentially a Piedmont prairie <br />meadow restoration. This meadow is mowed once per year for maintenance. <br />The Northern Meadow is located north of the farmstead and contains rocky outcroppings. <br />Because of the rocks here, agricultural activity would be limited. <br />The portion of the property that would be most productive for agriculture, and was most <br />recently used for agriculture, is the area of former farm fields in the south central portion <br />of the site (where the playing fields are planned). This area has now grown up in 10-20 <br />year old early succession forest cover (pine and sweetgum). <br />Phase 1 of the park will construct two playing fields in the southernmost portion of this <br />area. This phase is currently projected for construction during 2008, pending necessary <br />approvals. Future phases containing the remaining fields have not yet been programmed. <br />6 <br />mte Cate rarm (now Twin Creeks), in the late-1940's