Orange County NC Website
60 <br />bordering the Blackwood Division of Duke Forest to the rear and the County acquiring <br />69 acres along Millhouse Road including former farm fields, farmstead, and lands <br />adjoining the Orange County MSW Landfill. <br />Snom. aou ? _ <br /> <br />The Future Millhouse Road Park (Julia Blackwood property), viewed from the southwest <br />The land was acquired as a future park site that would primarily feature hill-size playing <br />fields for soccer and other sports. The potential for low-impact recreation (trails) in the <br />wooded western portions of the site were noted, along with the potential use of the brick <br />Blackwood residence and outbuildings. There are no funds for construction of <br />recreational facilities or creation of a master plan at this time, so the site is land-banked <br />for future park use. <br />Orange County ERCD staff, with assistance from Recreation and Parks, manages the <br />property - conducting maintenance work and monitoring the property and its boundaries <br />on a regular basis. Mrs. Julia Blackwood continues to live in the residence under an <br />arrangement with the County through late 2006. To address space needs at other <br />buildings, including the Planning and Agricultural Center, ERCD is slated to move its <br />offices to the Blackwood farmhouse on an interim basis, until a long-term office location <br />is completed.. <br />The Millhouse Road Park site has a faun field area of approximately 10 acres that is open <br />and available for cultivation. An additional seven acres has partially grown up in <br />vegetation over the last several years and could be cleared and placed again into <br />cultivation, for a total of 17 acres. <br />The site is currently in hay production, continuing an arrangement Mrs. Blackwood had <br />with a local farmer. As at the New Hope Park at Blackwood Farm property, this fanner <br />is allowed to harvest the hay that is grown in exchange for upkeep and for keeping the <br />4