Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-09-2006
Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
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103 <br />Staff has not attempted to explore lease rates for other types of agricultural activities <br />(such as those mentioned in the previous section), These options may result in very <br />different lease rental rates. <br />The County's cost would include staff time for administering the contract, and may <br />include periodic costs of non-amoral field preparation (such as lime or special plantings <br />for wildlife). <br />Conclusion <br />Currently local farmers, in a continuation of a pre-existing arrangement, conduct <br />agricultural use at the New Hope Park and Millhouse Road Park sites and harvest hay in <br />exchange for upkeep and maintenance of the fields. Since this is a service and not a bid <br />process, there may be two approaches (or more) that could be used. <br />1. Negotiate with the farnmer currently providing the service to see what lease rate <br />could be agreed to. If this is not productive the County could then offer a lease <br />option as outlined below. <br />2. Undertake the lease solicitation process identified above, sending a mailing to a <br />master list of farmers noting the opportunity, reviewing and selecting the offer <br />that best meets the County's needs and presenting the lease for approval, or <br />3. Continuing the present arrangement <br />There may also be other options that the Board may wish to identify. <br />Due to the fact that it is now February, and field preparation should be underway at this <br />time, any changes to the current arrangement may need to be introduced at the end of the <br />fall 2006 growing season. <br />In considering the options above, the Board may wish to consider the following factors: <br />? It is possible that no farmers will show interest in leasing the land for production, <br />or that no lease arrangement will be satisfactory to both parties. In this case, <br />without the current arrangements in place, the County will need to implement a <br />new management plan of its own for the property. <br />? If there are special provisions, farm techniques or special events to be worked <br />around, this may impact the ability to lease the land as well as the rental rate. <br />? Agricultural land lease rates are subject to market fluctuations and may change. <br />The rental rates shown above are a range based on the best available information. <br />? Special attention will be needed in any lease arrangement that ensures that the <br />County's Environmental Responsibility Goal is adhered to and that eco-friendly <br />farm practices are adhered to. <br />? The agricultural use should reflect compatibility and consistency with the future <br />park uses of the property. <br />? The potential for biosolid applications on these and other County lands should be <br />explored further, as an adjunct to this report. <br />11
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