Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-09-2006
Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
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9/1/2008 9:25:29 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 9:04:15 AM
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hr addition to these options, fertilization of the fields for certain crops could involve an / b1 <br />assessment of the use of biosolids application (from OWASA, for example). <br />Note. Infoi°mation on the potential use of Class A biosolids from OWASA is being <br />gathered and will be presented at a later time. <br />Implementation of Contractual Arrangements on Lands Legacy <br />Properties <br />If the County decides to pursue a contractual arrangement for agricultural operations on <br />lands, a process might include: <br />o Soliciting area farmers (via a mailing to a master list of farmers maintained by <br />one or more agricultural agencies) to submit a proposal for lease of the lands <br />o Reviewing the proposals and selecting one that appears to best meet the needs and <br />interests of the County <br />o Entering into a lease (which would be approved by the Board) with a farmer. The <br />lease would delineate the areas to be farmed, the rental rate, and any events or <br />times of other activity (festivals, etc.) that would need to be worked around. <br />Protected Revenue of Contracted Agricultural Operations <br />Based on this preliminary assessment, lands at two properties could be leased for <br />agricultural purposes - the New Hope Park at Blackwood Farm (45 acres in fields) and <br />the Millhouse Road Park (10-17 acres). Until further research determines otherwise, it is <br />assumed that the remaining land at the Northern Park East Tract is not practical to be <br />placed in agriculture due to the wastewater system design and installation. It is also <br />assumed that the pulpwood harvesting at Twin Creeks is problematic because of the <br />projected construction activity within the next three years on the former farm fields <br />(future playing fields). <br />Based on the current going lease rates in the area for hay production, the following <br />revenue projections may represent what the County could receive in lease payments for a <br />year. <br />11 1 ' r <br />New Hope Park at Blackwood Farm 45 acres $810 to $1,125 <br />Mill house Road Park 10-17 acres $180 to $425 <br />TOTAL 55-62 acres $990 - $1,550 <br />In this scenario the County would lease the fields, as they are, with the farmer responsible <br />for seeding, fertilizing and harvesting the fields. <br />10
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