Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-09-2006
Agenda - 02-09-2006-10a
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9/1/2008 9:25:29 PM
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8/29/2008 9:04:15 AM
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/l <br />planting and eventual harvest, However', forestry requires a longer-term commitment, <br />with optimal harvesting of'pines in 15-25 years and hardwoods in 40-50 years, Any lands <br />that are planned or envisioned for potential park use would be unlikely candidates for <br />forestry, although the wooded areas of these sites that are not planned for conversion to <br />recreational facilities may be an option. <br />Managed forest areas offer an opportunity to be examples of demonstration plots of <br />sustainable forestry practices, for example, yielding both forestry products and <br />environmental education possibilities. This concept has been discussed by staff as a <br />possible activity at both the New Hope Park and Millhouse Road Park sites for areas <br />already wooded, and it is anticipated that the fixture master plans for these sites may also <br />address this concept, <br />Leasing for Row Crops, Dairy and Animal Operations (Organic and <br />Traditional) <br />The potential may also exist for planting these lands in row crops, such as corn or other <br />commodities, Some lands in the County are leased for this purpose and produce crops <br />that are suitable for both animal and human consumption, This requires a larger <br />commitment of the land and involves other practices, making this a more complicated <br />endeavor. However, it is conceivable that such an arrangement might be of interest to a <br />local farmer, <br />More complicated still would be dairy and animal operations. Introducing a dairy or <br />animal operation is possible, though it is unlikely that a lessee would be interested in <br />starting such a facility on these sites, or that the County would be willing to commit the <br />resources to such an arrangement, Permit requirements, intensive activities, potential off- <br />site impacts and other best management practices would need to be addressed in such a <br />case. <br />Organic crop/animal operations are a fast-growing segment of the agricultural industry, <br />and the potential for organic operations of this type may be more feasible than traditional <br />agriculture in today's climate. <br />Alternative Agricultural Options <br />A wide variety of other options would also exist for these sites, too many to adequately <br />address here. This could include concepts such as: <br />? Community gardens <br />? Demonstration plots for new, non-traditional crops <br />? Horticulture and plant nurseries <br />? Becoming part of an agricultural community of fauns working in conjunction <br />with each other (modeled on the hitervale community near Burlington, Vermont) <br />9
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