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GENERAL CONDITIONS <br /> Ann=7 • AR7iC1.Er 9 <br /> CONTRACT ocanstas CONTRACTOR • <br /> 7.1 The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement with 9.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work,using <br /> Conditions of the Contract(Gene&Supplementary and other the Conuactor's ben skill and attention. The Conuaaor shall <br /> Conditions),Drawings,Specifications.attde<da issued prior to be solely responsible for and have control over construction <br /> the execution of this Agtttemettt,other documents listed in this mesas, methods, techniques, sequatces and procedures and <br /> Agreement and Modificadons issued after execution of this for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. <br /> Amt.The intent of the Contract Documents is to include unless Contract Documents give other specific insttuctonts <br /> all items necessary for the proper coxestion and completion of concenikig the Work Cat The Contract Documents are tbcse mama. <br /> unary,and what is required by one shag be as bind. flz Unless otherwise provided in the Conamct Docuahatts,the <br /> ins as if required by alh performance by the Contactor shall be Dmtramce shall l and pay(or labor, mom, equiP- <br /> requited only to the ester consists nr with the Contract Doak nip mho cowaucdaa III and InschinerY, water, <br /> mints and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary ham4 adios,nansfinnetion. and other Wilkes and services <br /> to produce the untended results. for the paper execution and oontpleterct of the <br /> Work,whether=poetry or petmaaaa and whether or not <br /> 7.2 The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a ink or to be ineolPorased in the Wodt. <br /> • COnnacinai relationship of any kind(1)between the Architect LS The Cmaacusr shall attars stria discipline and good <br /> and Contractor,(2)between the Owner said a Setbooatrac or a order among the Connector's employees and other persons <br /> Sub subcoauacwr or(3)betweas any paeans or entities other carrying out the Contract. The Contractor shall not permit <br /> than the Owner ant!Contractor. or paeans not skll>ed in tasks <br /> assigned to them. <br /> ' 7.3 Execution of the Contract by the Contractor is a ce preaen- <br /> cation that the Contractor has visited the site and become lamb gA The comma wamtma to the owner and Architect that <br /> far with die local conditions under which the Work is to be mamma and equipment famished under the Contract will be <br /> pafomted. of Bead quaky and new abets otherwise required or permit. <br /> • red by die Contract Documents, that the Work wd be free <br /> 7.4 The term "Work" means the eon suuctom and services from ddema not Inherent In the quality requited or mammal. <br /> requited by the Contract Documents, whether or and den rise Wait win eanikam with the of the <br /> pettedly completed, and incttdes an other labor, Conant t Doc end.Wow not conforming to these requite. <br /> •equipment and services provided or to be provided by the mem, inchsdkIg substkutions not progeny approved and <br /> Conaaetor to fulM the Contractor's moons. The Weds annoriona, may be eommered defective. The Contractor's <br /> may constitute the whole or a pan of the Protect. wormy=dudes remedy for damage or defect rasped by <br /> abuse,modifc'adoes not executed by the Connector.improper <br /> aunder normal i Oyer 01212250012120121225001, or noted <br /> If the Contractor strap nttthiehi by the , <br /> mimeo® and quality of and evkiemae as to the kind <br /> CraliM all Unless°sheathe podded in the Carona Documents,the <br /> Contractor shall pay axes, consumer. use, and other slrrlhr <br /> Li The Owner shall banish surveys and a legal de pion of taxes which ante MOT=send when bids ate raadved or net,. <br /> the site. daions eotojpiei tort y i awl set pay needy <br /> Except for permits and fees which are the respoosiblity of and odser Permits aid Snivnollened tees, <br /> • the Contractor under the Conuaa Doctnama,the Owner shall titans° and for proper atrcuz nn and <br /> secure and pay for necessity apuovab,easements,amessmencs cnnIPIndian of rite Wadi. <br /> and ehnrgto requited for the eon Inchon,use or occupancy of $.i The Contemn shun comply with and give nodose <br /> pa�q strttcaued Primaex:ttcha in it by laws, onlinances, tries, glom, and lawful <br /> If the Conmstctor fans to circa node which is not in o�wade. of public amdrocmer on of the . <br /> accardathdt with die of the Contra Documents owner Caoaae s tm ptamtpty nhotltr►tie erved by are <br /> or moisten*,fits to catty out the Work in accordance with Owner if me Dewey and Spedikattini ate observed by the <br /> the Coruna Doormats,die Owner,by a written order.may comma to be a<va�etc�e dtmt�h. <br /> order the Caxttaetot to stop die Work,or any pardon thereof, 9.7 The Comttaaor she be raponsttle to the Owner for the <br /> until the cause for such order has been dimloned:however, acts and atsdnions of the Conmaatxor's employees,Stdhaotturac- <br /> the right of the Owner to trop the Wade shag not give rise to a tons antiel their mem and employees, and other moons pa- <br /> , <br /> duty on the pmt of the Owner to exorcise this right for the forming pastors of the Work under a comma with the <br /> benefit of the Contractor or any other person n or entity. Contactor. <br /> AtAOtaetitalbTAier•Aalliet tAT'ED AGe army teeth Indigo•w'•01917 <br /> rots AMUICAtr tttrrrunt or AttanreCTS, *73S tern vomit Aveseue.N.W.w*35W Gtest,D.C.mots A197.1997 d <br /> • <br />