Orange County NC Website
. � 3 <br /> Over the past two calender years the breakdown of waste is as <br /> follows, from the landfill records : <br /> (calender) 1987 Z 1988 Z <br /> Town of Chapel Hill 26, 757 27 29, 012 28 <br /> UNC-CH 19,550 20 22, 684 22 <br /> Orange County 18, 317 19 18, 710 18 <br /> Carrboro 7 , 240 7 8, 526 8 <br /> Hillsborough 2, 863 3 3 , 449 3 <br /> Other (private haulers) 23 , 759 24 22, 746 22 <br /> TOTAL 98, 746 105, 127 <br /> The proportions have remained approximately the same with the <br /> University and the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill' s waste <br /> increasing slightly while the waste from the County and private <br /> haulers has decreased slightly. <br /> The following proposed tipping fee schedule should generate the <br /> revenues required: <br /> General Trash: $15 per ton <br /> Construction wastes & bulky wastes: $17 per ton <br /> Ash from the UNC Power Plant: $19 per ton <br /> Asbestos : $100 per ton <br /> Pick up trucks or trailers: $6/ each <br /> Cars : $3/ each <br /> Note that we have proposed keeping the pick-up truck and car fees <br /> low in order to allow a break for the small hauler of household <br /> trash or small construction firms . If larger firms abuse this <br /> differential by loading large amounts of waste into pickups , we <br /> will be obliged to raise the fees or weigh the trucks and charge <br /> per ton. <br /> Tipping fees in FY 90-91 could be an average of $18.50 per ton in <br /> order to meet expected revenue needs . This, includes a <br /> contribution of $100, 000 from reserve funds . The projected waste <br /> stream for that FY is 122, 800 . <br /> You were interested in the cost breakdown of the recycling <br /> program. The general recycling program will cost approximately <br /> $100,000 and will include the following elements : <br /> 502 of <br /> personnel costs for solid waste planner and recycling <br /> coordinator including fringes , travel etc . ; <br /> construction of three new drop-off sites in the rural parts of <br /> the county -- sites are now being ' selected with input from County <br /> residents through contacts with 4-H, Extension Homemakers and <br /> other groups, <br /> 2 <br />