Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> u-Kta <br /> C U C:1 VW% E <br /> F=t 42,L. Ni CD FP'I' CO L-11\144 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: The Honorable James E. Harrington, Secretary <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation <br /> FROM: Wake County Board of Commissioners <br /> SUBJ: Comments on Draft Proposal for a Regional <br /> Transportation Authority <br /> DATE: March 1 , 1989 <br /> At its February 27, 1989 meeting, the Wake County Board of Commissioners took <br /> the following actions concerning the proposed Regional Transportation Authority: <br /> 1. The Wake County Board of Commissioners approve the concept of a Regional <br /> Transportation Authority. <br /> II. The Board made the following recommendations concerning governance <br /> (Attachment 1): <br /> A. Since the joint meeting of the Mayors and County Commissioners <br /> Chairman did not agree on how to govern the appointment of the <br /> Authority appointees, that should be the prerogative of each County. <br /> B. For Wake County, the Board of County Commissioners should appoint all <br /> five members. At least four of these appointees should come from a <br /> list of nominees submitted by the various municipal boards. The list <br /> would consist of two nominations from the smaller municipalities and <br /> four from the City of Raleigh. The Board of County Commissioners <br /> 0 <br /> would then make appointments with at least one from the Town of Cary <br /> list, two from the City of Raleigh list, and one from the balance of <br /> the nominees. The fifth appointee would be from the list of nominees 0 <br /> 2 <br /> or elsewhere. <br /> C. The requirement that the Authority members have to be an elected <br /> official should be removed and be left up to the individual appointing <br /> authorities. <br /> D. All taxes and bonds imposed by the Authority must be approved by the <br /> three Boards of County Commissioners. (An example of this concept <br /> exists in the Research Triangle Park Special Taxing District.) . This <br /> is important for it allows the appointment of non-elected officials to <br /> the AUthority and this is necessary if the Authority is to be strong <br /> enough to do a good job. (This idea was suggested at the ad hoc <br /> committee meeting by someone from either Durham or Orange counties and <br /> it makes good sense.) <br /> Poet Office Box 550.Raleigh,North Ceroline 27602 <br /> 1109111100111111103101101•I <br />