Orange County NC Website
. • <br /> - GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA . SESSION 1989 - - - <br /> . ' <br /> _ . 17. <br /> 1 source whatever. payment for such equipment or rentals <br /> 2 therefore, may be made in installments; the deferred installments <br /> 3 ma be evidenced b equipment trust certificates savable solely <br /> 4 from the aforesaid revenues or receipts and title to such <br /> 5 2221pment may or may not vest in the Authority until the <br /> 6 eauisment trust certificates are paid. . <br /> 7 "S 160A-619. Power of Eminent Domain. • <br /> 8 (a) The Authorit shall have continuins sower to acquire, b <br /> 9 gift, grant, devise, bequest, exchange , purchase, lease with or <br /> 10 without option to purchase, or any other lawful method, including <br /> 11 but not limited to the power of eminent domain, the fee or any <br /> . 12 lesser interest in real or personal •ropertv for use br the <br /> 13 Authority. • <br /> 14 (b) In exercising the power of eminent domain the Authority <br /> 15 shall use the srocedures of Chaster 40A of the General Statutes. <br /> 16 "S 160A-620. Tax Exemotion. <br /> 17 The property of the Authority, both real and personal, its <br /> 18 acts, activities and income shall be exempt from any tax or tax <br /> 19 obligation; in the event of any lease of Authorit sroserty, or <br /> 20 other arrancement which amounts to a leasehold interest, to a <br /> 21 private jparty, this exemption shall not asst to the value of <br /> 22 such leasehold interest nor shall it apply to the income of the <br /> 23 lessee. Otherwise, however, for the purpose of taxation, when <br /> 24 property of the Authority is leased to private parties solely for <br /> 25 the sursose of the Authority, the acts and activities of the <br /> 26 lessee shall be considered as the acts and activities of the , <br /> 27 Authorit and the exemption. The interest on bonds . or <br /> cy. <br /> 28 obligations issued b the Authorit shall be exempt from state <br /> .., <br /> = <br /> 29 taxes. <br /> 30 "5 160A-621. Removal and Relocation of Utility Structures. <br /> 31 (a) The Authority shall have the power to require an sublic <br /> 32 utility, railroad, or other public service corporation ownLa9 21 <br /> 33 operating any installations, structures , eguisment, asparatus, <br /> 34 pace s or facilities in, upon , under , over , across or alone <br /> 35 an ' walls on which the Authority has the right to own, construct, <br /> Page 14 . 89-LBX-006C(2.17) <br /> • <br /> 1 In8====111Nemomosmoor <br />