Orange County NC Website
, ar <br /> , <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> TO:.‘IORRONN r <br /> pnEsER,,,o,pRoG.Ess.pEopLE <br /> Introduction <br /> The Orange County Economic Development Commission in the summer of 1988 <br /> embarked upon an important and exciting effort to develop an Economic <br /> Development Strategic Plan for the future of Orange County. The <br /> purpose of the Plan we envisioned then, and which is detailed in this <br /> document today, is two fold: to ensure that Orange County will <br /> maintain its strategic strengths and advantages into the future, and to <br /> improve the quality of life for our citizens who live and work here. <br /> We believe that all citizens have a stake in the future, and now is the <br /> time to plan for it. The opportunity is here to create good things for <br /> our future and the future of our children. What types of jobs do we <br /> want in Orange County? How can we ensure that all citizens have the <br /> skills to be productive in the workplace? How can we best work with <br /> our existing companies to ensure their potential for growth? How shall <br /> we encourage and attract new businesses, sensitive to our environment, <br /> which provide the kind of jobs and investment we want? These are some <br /> of the questions addressed herein. We do not have all of the answers <br /> yet, and the Plan, which will be monitored and updated annually, will <br /> grow in detail through the experience we gain together, <br /> The Executive Committee of Orange County citizens, whose visionary <br /> leadership and tireless effort we gratefully acknowledge, produced <br /> Recommendations for the Plan. These Recommendations were organized <br /> around twelve challenges identified by the Committee; for each <br /> challenge the Committee recommended strategies to address the <br /> challenge, and suggested implementing organizations. To transform <br /> these recommendations into ACTIONS, the Economic Development Commission <br /> has structured the recommended strategies, adding timeframes, <br /> milestones, castings, and has identified lead groups to ensure <br /> achievement of each strategy. <br /> Continued . . . <br /> MAR 8 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br /> P.O. BOX 712 • 110 N. CHURTON ST. • SAWYER BUILDING • HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. 27278 <br /> (919)732-8181 (919)968-4501 (919)688-7331 (919)227-2031 <br />