<br /> § 153A-236 CH. 153A. COUI\"rIES § 153A-240 020
<br /> •
<br /> cil, set the duties of any person appointed or designated as a fire prevention
<br /> inspector. A fire prevention inspector shall not make electrical inspection=
<br /> unless he is qualified to do so under G.S. 153A-351. (2965,c. 626; 1969,c.1064.
<br /> s. 3; 1973, c. 822, s. 1.) •
<br /> §§ 153A-236 to 153A-238: Reserved for future codification purposes.
<br /> ARTICLE 12.
<br /> Roads. and Bridges.
<br /> § 153A-239. Public road defined.
<br /> In this Article "public road" or "road" means any road, street, highway,
<br /> thoroughfare, or other way of passage that has been irrevocably dedicated to
<br /> the public or in which the public has acquired rights by prescription, without
<br /> regard to whether it is open for travel. (1973, c. 822, s. 1.)
<br /> Local Modification. -- Brunswick: 1979,
<br /> 2nd Sess., c. 1319; Cabarrus: 1981, c. 568,
<br /> amending 1979, 2nd Sess.,c. 1319.
<br /> § 153A-240. Naming roads and assigning street numbers in
<br /> unincorporated areas.
<br /> A county may by ordinance name or rename any public road within the
<br /> county and not within a city,and may assign or reassign street numbers for use
<br /> on such a road. In naming or renaming a public road, a county may not
<br /> (1) Change the name,if any,given to the road by the Board of Transports'
<br /> tion, unless the Board of Transportation agrees;
<br /> (2) Change the number assigned to the road by the Board of Transporia•
<br /> • Lion, but may give the road a name in addition to its number; or •
<br /> (3) Give the road a name that is deceptively similar to the name of any
<br /> other public road in the vicinity.
<br /> A county shall not name or rename a road or assign or reassign street
<br /> numbers on a road until it has held a public hearing on the matter. At least
<br /> 10 days before the day of the hearing, the board of commissioners shall cater
<br /> notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the hearing to be prominently
<br /> posted at the county courthouse, in at least two public places in the township
<br /> or townships where the road is located, and shall publish a notice of such
<br /> hearing in at least one newspaper of general circulation.published in tit
<br /> county. After naming or renaming a public road, or assigning or reassigning
<br /> ' street numbers on a public road, a county shall cause notice of its action to to
<br /> given to the local postmaster with jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of
<br /> Transportation, and to any city within five miles of the road.
<br /> This section does not repeal or modify Chapter 945 of the Session Laws of
<br /> 1953,which pertains to naming streets in Kannapolis. (1957, c. 1068; 1973,c.
<br /> 507, s. 5; c. 822, s. 1; 1981, cc. 112, 518.) .
<br /> •
<br /> Local Modification. — Brunswick: 1979, been substituted for"State Highway Comm
<br /> 2nd Sess., c. 1319: Cabarrus: 1981, c. 568, sion" and for "Commission" in this section
<br /> amending 1979, 2nd Sess.. c. 1319; Forsyth: enacted by Session Laws 1973,c. 822.'
<br /> 1981,c 558; Guilford: 19 79,G 283. Effect of Amendments. -.— The first 19i:
<br /> Editor's I`ote.—Pursuant to Session Laws amendment substituted"at the County Coua-
<br /> 1973,c.507.s.5,"Board of Transportation"has house, in at least two public places in tL.
<br /> 78
<br />