Orange County NC Website
lakeside economic development serves to further alarm and stiffen the <br /> resistence of those who might have to live with a reservoir in their <br /> midst. <br /> -- Step back from' consideration of politics -- who wants what, <br /> who owns what, which water supplier exists where -- and rely upon <br /> objective criteria. Which site supplies the better yield per dollar? <br /> Which site has the larger capacity, and thus the greater long-term <br /> usefulness? Which site is more readily protected from the hazards of <br /> encroaching development and errant pollution? <br /> In that regard, I direct your attention to the fact that an <br /> interstate carrying 1.5 million trucks per year passes almost atop one <br /> potential reservoir site. Many thousands of those trucks carry <br /> hazardous cargoes, some of them unlicensed to convey such loads. A <br /> rail line also passes perilously close to that same watershed, a rail <br /> line that could carry wastes from Shearon Harris should the state <br /> choose a waste site west of Orange County. <br /> Again, I realize that decisions such as where to site a <br /> reservoir, or an airport, or a landfill, are fraught with difficulty. <br /> I am likewise aware of the potential impacts on several valued <br /> historic structures posed by the site above Corporation Lake. As a <br /> historian; as someone who has made his living nominating such - <br /> structures to the National Register of Historic Places; as a former <br /> vice president of the Hillsborough Historical Society; and as a <br /> caretaker at a site on the National Register, I am very much concerned <br /> that those properties be respected and protected. <br /> But there is much to be respected and protected along Seven Mile <br /> Creek as well. That is why I trust that fact and careful, open <br /> discussion, rather than overheated rhetoric or a shortsighted desire <br /> for the path of least resistence, will guide your decision. Whichever <br /> site you choose, I trust too that you will specify measures that will <br /> minimize damage to the surrounding environment, both during <br /> construction and in the long run. <br /> Thank you. <br />