Orange County NC Website
QUESTIONS FOR ORANGE COUNTY COPRISSIONERS RECARDIn 7Hz <br /> TROPOSED RESERVOIR - January 30, 19E9 <br /> • 1 . What purpose is envisioned for this reservoir? <br /> No clear, concise, written statement has ever been issued by the <br /> Orange County Commissioners. The taxtayers deserve one. <br /> 2. What is the justification for this reservoir? <br /> If the reservoir is seen as saving the Eno, what proof is offered? <br /> If the reservoir is to promote growth and development , economic , <br /> commercial or residential, how and who determined this to be the best <br /> direction for Orange County? <br /> If the purpose is to promote growth and development , how do the <br /> Commissioners reconcile this with their own poll which indicated <br /> controlling growth and development as the number one concern in <br /> Orange County? <br /> If the dam is to provide water for current residents during droughts, <br /> why do water hook-ups continue? <br /> What alternatives have been considered? The Rocky Mountain Institute <br /> has found instituting water-efficiency measures as more economical <br /> and more environmentally sound_than building reservoirs. Why has the <br /> public not been presented with a variety of options? <br /> 3. How much will this project cost? <br /> There have been a rather wide range of projected costs. The taxpayers <br /> deserve accurate , realistic estimates. <br /> Will cost over-runs be allowed and be paid for by the taxpayers? <br /> What additional land cost , over the one million dollars voted in <br /> November, is anticipated? <br /> Either increased water treatment capacity or a new water treatment <br /> plant will be necessary. What will this cost? <br /> The same is true of sewage treatment. What will this cost? <br /> 4. Who will pay for this reservoir? <br /> Looking at the recent vote on land acquisition for a reservoir, it is <br /> evident that the voters of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and suburban Southern <br /> Orange County passed this bond. These voters in effect paved the way ' <br /> for a reservoir, but are not being mentioned as paying the enormous <br /> costs for the whole project . Why not, since these voters passed the bond? <br /> If the water-users pay for the reservoir, will any Orange County <br /> • Commissioner be paying increased taxes for the project over and above <br /> the one million dollars for land acquisition? <br /> 5. What are the demand tro 'ections for the reservoir? <br /> 6. Who gets priorities for the reservoir? <br /> • <br /> submitted by Joyce Brown <br /> 215 A Vance Street <br /> Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />