Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> RECOMMENDED REVISION OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE HSAC: <br /> 4)A. Eighteen members shall be appointed by the Board <br /> of Commissioners; the Board may appoint up to four <br /> additional members: <br /> 1) The composition shall include a nominee from the <br /> following Boards/Associations: <br /> a) Social Services, <br /> b) Mental Health, <br /> c) Public Health, <br /> d) Department on Aging, <br /> e) Orange County United Way, <br /> f) Chapel Hill-Carrboro United Way, <br /> g) Orange Congregations in Mission, <br /> h) Inter-Faith Council for Social Service, <br /> i) Extension Council, <br /> j) Board of Commissioners liaison. <br /> 2) The County Commissioners are responsible for <br /> appointing eight members who will provide balanced <br /> Township representation including service recipient <br /> representation, which could include a current <br /> recipient, a family member of current recipient's <br /> household, a former recipient or a member of a past <br /> recipient's household. <br /> 3) The Board of Commissioners may appoint up to four <br /> additional members representing any human services <br /> group; these appointments should reflect current <br /> county priorities. <br /> 4) Staff support will be provided by County Manager's <br /> office and County Commissioner's office. <br /> CURRENT WORDING: <br /> 4)A Seventeen members shall be appointed by the Board of <br /> Commissioners. The composition shall include a <br /> nominee from the following Boards/Associations: (1) <br /> Social Services, (2) Mental Health, (3) Public <br /> Health, (4) Department on Aging, (5) Orange County <br /> United Way, (6) Chapel Hill/Carrboro United Way, (7) <br /> Orange Congregations in Mission, (8) Inter-Faith <br /> Council on Social Services, (9) Board of <br /> Commissioners liaison, and eight members appointed AT <br /> LARGE to be equally divided between those who receive <br /> services (service recipient) and other Orange County <br /> citizens. <br /> The criteria will be to select a current recipient, <br /> if possible, then choose from the following list: <br /> Family member of current recipient's household, a <br /> former recipient, or a member of a past recipient's <br /> household. <br />