2017-092 Aging - Triangle J Council of Governements for Title III-D HPDP Funds of the Older Americans Act
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2017-092 Aging - Triangle J Council of Governements for Title III-D HPDP Funds of the Older Americans Act
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Last modified
5/30/2018 2:46:32 PM
Creation date
3/6/2017 10:27:54 AM
Contract Starting Date
Contract Document Type
Agreement - Services
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R 2017-092 Aging - Triangle J Council of Governements for Title III-D HPDP Funds of the Older Americans Act
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It is further understood that the Grantee is responsible to the AAA for clarifying any audit <br /> exceptions that may arise from any assessment, agency single or financial audit, or audits <br /> conducted by the State or Federal Governments. In the event the AAA or the North <br /> Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services disallows any expenditure of grant funds <br /> made by the Grantee for any reason, the Grantee shall promptly reimburse such funds to <br /> the AAA. The AAA may also withhold future payments under this or any other contract <br /> with the Grantee until the audit exceptions are cleared. <br /> Changes <br /> The AAA may require changes in the work and services that the Grantee is to perform <br /> hereunder. Such changes which are mutually agreed upon by and between the AAA and <br /> the Grantee, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this agreement. The Grantee <br /> may request amendment of the agreement by notifying the AAA in writing, and if <br /> mutually agreed upon, these shall also be incorporated in written amendments to this <br /> agreement. <br /> Any reallocation of funding between grantee agencies shall be voluntary on the part of <br /> the AAA and shall be effective only for the period of the agreement. The reallocation of <br /> funds between grantee agencies will not affect the allocation of future funding to the <br /> Grantee. If during the performance period of the agreement, the AAA determines that a <br /> portion of this funding will not be expended, the grant administrator for the Grantee shall <br /> be notified in writing by the AAA in advance of any reallocation to other grantee <br /> agencies. <br /> Termination for Cause <br /> If through any cause, the Grantee shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its <br /> obligations under this Agreement, or the Grantee has or shall violate any of the <br /> covenants, agreements,representations or stipulations of this Agreement,the AAA shall <br /> have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the Grantee's Administrator written <br /> notice of such termination no fewer than fifteen(15) days prior to the effective date of <br /> termination. In such event, all finished and unfinished documents and other materials <br /> collected or produced under this Agreement shall at the option of the Area Agency, <br /> become its property. The Grantee shall be entitled to receive just and equitable <br /> compensation for any work satisfactorily performed under this Agreement. <br /> Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Grantee shall not be relieved of liability to the AAA <br /> for damages sustained by the AAA by virtue of any breach of this contract by the Grantee <br /> and the AAA may withhold payment of any additional sums as security for payment of <br /> damages caused by the Grantee's breach, until such time as the exact amount of the <br /> damages resulting from such breach is determined. <br /> Termination for Convenience <br /> The AAA may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving written <br /> notice to the Grantee of such termination and specifying the date thereof, no fewer than <br /> 5 <br />
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