Orange County NC Website
Q <br />School District: Chapel Hill-Currboro City Schools <br />School Year: Nove,nber 1).20041-Noveniber 11.2(X15 <br />For _hr No,enioar 13, 20112 haw rar the bcvG ac¢p'e ;hr <cYir:cnd:c;-tertifitd oapaduti a: par, of 6:c st_ce? Facilincs Tact: <br />'mesa capacities mill remain cYzca,: until c`=-^ i <br />Justification: No change in capacity requested <br />Capacity Certification: <br />Superintendent Date <br />Membership Certification: <br />Tperint- dent Date <br />BOCC Chair Date <br />BOCC Chair Date <br />Fn2e r.irw ucd?075 Pirnrca and Schoul Rcprtsamticc Ad,i w, Cv::H:1I1U Rep. <br />n- th. amendc 1 version of thin fume u( is ::^iti:r. h;. ;be HOCC.