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18 <br /> 1 the dedication of right of way based on the concepts shown on the CTP and local <br /> 2 collector street plans, based on N.C.G.S. § 136-66.2 and § 136-66.10. <br /> 3 / Report Text: <br /> 4 ° Locally approved transportation plans may contain street or highway right-of-way <br /> 5 dedication recommendations or requirements, and collectively function as the <br /> 6 collector street plan for the MPO or municipality as referenced under G.S. § 136- <br /> 7 66.2. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 To Summarize <br /> 10 / CTPs replace Thoroughfare Plans <br /> 11 / CTP Maps are adopted by the Board of Transportation <br /> 12 / The controversial alignments from the Thoroughfare Plan have been removed <br /> 13 / To Note: There is a drop-in meeting on February 16, 5:30-7:30 in the Orange County <br /> 14 Library on the CTP <br /> 15 <br /> 16 OUTBoard Action <br /> 17 / The OUTBoard <br /> 18 ° Endorsed the CTP in principle; <br /> 19 ° Is working through specific comments for their February 15 meeting; and <br /> st <br /> 20 ° Will provide these comments for your review at the February 21 meeting. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Action Today <br /> 23 The Manager recommends the Board: <br /> 24 <br /> 25 • Receive the report; <br /> 26 • Provide any initial comments; and <br /> 27 • Ask any questions. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Commissioner Jacobs explained why the Thoroughfare Plan was never adopted in <br /> 30 1990. He said the Department of Transportation (DOT) ignored the BOCC, to the point that <br /> 31 Orange County hired a traffic consultant to re-do what DOT was doing in the rural parts of the <br /> 32 County, around Hillsborough. He said DOT was trying to do an entire Raleigh outer loop <br /> 33 around Hillsborough, including Davis Road, Elizabeth Brady Road, and a highway across the <br /> 34 upper Eno watershed. He said the County Government at the time, as well as many Orange <br /> 35 County citizens were very much opposed to some or all of those alignments, and so the BOCC <br /> 36 hired a consultant. He said it was a struggle, partially, because Hillsborough had already <br /> 37 adopted a plan before Orange County was consulted. He said Hillsborough's plan did not <br /> 38 consider rural Orange County. He said they were also asked to design to the Efland <br /> 39 Interchange, which is almost as incomprehensible as the Hampton Pointe parking lot. He said <br /> 40 the County was not part of those conversations, and the BOCC objected. He said a meeting <br /> 41 was meant to take place to resolve the differences, but this never occurred. He said at the <br /> 42 same time, in August 1990, the BOCC decided not to add a large meeting room to the <br /> 43 Government Services building, and were discussing the status of a countywide school district <br /> 44 tax, but were waiting to hear from Orange County Schools (OCS), and were also discussing the <br /> 45 possibility of combining into one school district. <br /> 46 Commissioner Jacobs said, at the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), he <br /> 47 wanted to make sure that none of these roads appeared on any contemporary maps, because <br /> 48 those battles have been fought and won previously. <br /> 49 Commissioner Jacobs asked if 1-40 is missing from the maps. <br />