Orange County NC Website
0 <br />Resolution providing final approval of terms and conditions <br />For Meadowlands Building acquisition and financing <br />WHEREAS- <br />Orange County has previously determined in principle to finance the acquisition of a <br />building located at 510 Meadowlands Drive, Hillsborough, and associated real and personal <br />property (collectively, the "Meadowlands Building"). <br />The County's plan for the project includes owner financing for the acquisition. The <br />County's Board of Commissioners has been provided a draft of the proposed contract for the <br />acquisition (the "Sales Contract"), which provides (a) for a purchase price of $1,735,000, (b) <br />for $50,000 of the purchase price to be paid in cash at closing, and (c) for the remaining <br />amount to be financed by the sellers for 10 years at an annual interest rate of 5%. The Sales <br />Contract includes as an exhibit the form of the Financing Agreement and Deed of Trust (the <br />"Financing Agreement") that the parties will enter into to memorialize the financing <br />transaction and to provide for a lien on the property to secure the County's obligations to the <br />sellers. <br />The proposed financing would therefore be secured by a lien on the Meadowlands <br />Building (including the associated land and any related fixtures) and the County's promise to <br />repay the financing, but there would be no recourse against the County or its property (other <br />than the pledged property) if there were a default on the financing. <br />The County's plan requires the approval of the North Carolina Local Government <br />Commission (the "LGC" ). Under LGC guidelines, this governing body must make certain <br />findings of fact to support the County's application for the LGC's approval of the County's <br />proposed financing arrangements for the project <br />The County's undertaking of the financing was the subject of a public hearing held <br />earlier today on January 24, 2006. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, North Carolina, makes the following findings of fact: <br />(a) The proposed project is necessary and appropriate for the County under all the <br />circumstances. The County has long searched for a solution to its on-going need for bulky <br />storage items and for records with long-term archival space. The Meadowlands Building will <br />provide a solution to these problems, along with providing office space for several County <br />departments with plentiful parking and room for expansion. <br />(b) The proposed installment financing is preferable to a bond issue for the same <br />purpose. The current owners of the Meadowlands Building desire to provide owner financing <br />for the County's acquisition, and therefore an installment financing presents itself as the most <br />appropriate financing vehicle. The County has long determined to combine voted and non- <br />voted financings in its capital improvements program,