Orange County NC Website
Al <br />6.01. Deed of Trust Trustee's Liability. The Deed of Trust Trustee shall suffer <br />no liability by virtue of acceptance of this trust except such as may be incurred as <br />a result of the Deed of Trust Trustee's failure to account for the proceeds of any sale <br />under this Agreement. <br />6.02. Substitute Trustees. If the Deed of Trust Trustee, or any successor, shall <br />die, become incapable of acting or renounce trust, or if for any reason Sellers <br />desires to replace the Deed of Trust Trustee, then Sellers shall have the unqualified right <br />to appoint one or more substitute or successor Deed of Trust Trustees by instruments <br />filed for registration in the office of the Register of Deeds where this Agreement is <br />recorded. Any such removal or appointment may be made at any time without notice, <br />without specifying any reason therefore and without any court approval. Any such <br />appointee shall become vested with title to the Mortgaged Property and with all rights, <br />powers and duties conferred upon the Deed of Trust Trustee by this Agreement in the <br />same manner and to the same effect as though such Deed of Trust Trustee were named as <br />the original Deed of Trust Trustee. <br />ARTICLE VII <br />DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES; FORECLOSURE <br />7.01. Events of Default. An "Event of Default" is any of the following: <br />(a) The County's failing to make any Installment Payment when due. <br />(b) The occurrence of an Event of Nonappropriation. <br />(c) The County's breaching or failing to perform or observe any term, condition <br />or covenant of this Agreement on its part to be observed or performed, other than as <br />provided in subsections (a) or (b) above, including payment of any Additional Payment, <br />for a period of 15 days after written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it <br />be remedied shall have been given to the County by Sellers, unless Sellers shall agree in <br />writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration. <br />7.02. Remedies on Default. Upon the continuation of any Event of Default, <br />Sellers may, without any further demand or notice, exercise any one or more of the <br />following remedies: <br />(a) Declare the unpaid principal components of the Installment Payments <br />immediately due and payable; <br />11 <br />finagreemttweeter