Orange County NC Website
a5 <br />4.16. Taxes and Other Governmental Charges. The County shall pay, as <br />Additional Payments, the full amount of all taxes, assessments and other governmental <br />charges lawfully made by any governmental body during the term of this Agreement. <br />With respect to special assessments or other governmental charges which may be <br />lawfully paid in installments over a period of years, the County shall be obligated to <br />provide for Additional Payments only for such installments as are required to be paid <br />during the Agreement term. The County shall not allow any liens for taxes, assessments <br />or governmental charges with respect to the Mortgaged Property or any portion thereof to <br />become delinquent (including, without limitation, any taxes levied upon the Mortgaged <br />Property or any portion thereof which, if not paid, will become a charge on any interest in <br />the Mortgaged Property, including Sellers' interest, or the rentals and revenues derived <br />therefrom or hereunder). <br />4.17. Property Damage Insurance. The County will, at its own expense, acquire, <br />carry and maintain broad-form extended coverage property damage insurance with <br />respect to the Facility in an amount equal to such Facility's estimated replacement cost. <br />Such property damage insurance must include the Sellers as loss payees. <br />4.13. Sellers' Advances for Performance of County's Obligations. If the <br />County fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, Sellers are hereby <br />authorized, but not obligated, to perform such obligation or cause it to be performed. All <br />expenditures incurred by Sellers (including any advancement of funds for payment of <br />taxes, insurance premiums or other costs of maintaining the Mortgaged Property, and any <br />associated legal or other expenses), together with interest thereon at the Prime Rate, shall <br />be secured as Additional Payments under this Agreement. The County promises to pay all <br />such amounts to Sellers immediately upon demand. <br />ARTICLE V <br />CARE AND USE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY <br />5.03. Maintenance and Repairs; Additions. (a) The County shall keep the <br />Mortgaged Property in good order and repair (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and in <br />good operating condition, shall not commit or permit any waste or any other thing to <br />occur whereby the value or usefulness of the Mortgaged Property might be impaired, and <br />shall make from time to time all necessary or appropriate repairs, replacements and <br />renewals. <br />(b) The County may, also at its own expense, make from time to time any <br />additions, modifications or improvements to the Mortgaged Property that it may deem <br />desirable for its governmental or proprietary purposes and that do not materially impair <br />9 <br />finagreemttweeter