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z <br />emergency needs of low- income families due to rising energy costs and increased numbers <br />of eligible families. This budget amendment provides for the release of $102,865 from the <br />Critical Needs Reserve for the above stated purpose. With this appropriation, $208,167 <br />remains available in the Critical Needs Reserve for fiscal year 2005 -06. (See Attachment 1, <br />column #3) <br />Health Department <br />4. Orange County has been awarded an Employee Wellness Grant for FY 2005 -06 totaling <br />$13,940 through the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Risk <br />Management Pool. The purpose of this grant is to offer a wellness program to all employees <br />to improve health and productivity, reduce absenteeism and health care costs and establish <br />an overall work environment that promotes good health and a positive work attitude. The <br />program will consist of Health Risk Assessment screening, Cholesterol /Glucose /Body Fat <br />and Hypertension Screening, Back Injury Prevention Program, and Lunch and Learn <br />educational sessions on nutrition and physical activity. The Orange County Health <br />Department will administer this grant program within the Personal Health division. This <br />budget amendment provides for the receipt of these grant funds. (See Attachment 1, <br />column #4) <br />Human Services Non - Departmental <br />5. As part of the Adopted FY 2005 -06 budget, the Board of County Commissioners approved <br />an appropriation of $18,000 for Orange County's contribution to the Partnership to End <br />Homelessness Initiative. Membership in the Initiative includes Orange County, the Towns of <br />Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough, the Triangle United Way, Orange Congregations in <br />Mission, the Inter -Faith Council, OPC Area Program, the Hillsborough Chamber of <br />Commerce, and UNC. These funds are used to provide administrative support services to <br />the Partnership to End Homelessness in order to create a written 10 Year Plan to End <br />Homelessness in Orange County, The County serves as the lead entity for this initiative in <br />the same manner it currently does for the HOME program. <br />At its September 7, 2005 meeting, the Board approved funds totaling $32,000 from the <br />Town of Chapel Hill ($18,450), Town of Carrboro ($6,300), the Town of Hillsborough <br />($2,250), and the Triangle United Way ($5,000) based on the existing HOME Program <br />funding formula. Since then, the Triangle United Way has contributed an additional $5,000 <br />to this initiative. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these additional funds <br />from the Triangle United Way. (See Attachment 1, column #5) <br />Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />6. The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund has received the following grant funds: <br />a. Grant funds from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural <br />Resources through its 2005 Community Waste Reduction Recycling Grant Program <br />to expand and study multi - family recycling. The reimbursable grant award of $5,500 <br />includes $5,000 from the State and a 10% local match ($500) from the Solid Waste <br />Enterprise Fund. These funds will be used to purchase recycling bins ($5,000), as <br />