Orange County NC Website
dµStAi^o <br />North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services <br />Office of Research, Demonstrations, and <br />Rural Health Development <br />2009 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2009 <br />Tel: 919-733-2040 • Fax: 919-733,8300 <br />Michael F. Easley, Governor <br />Director <br />Torlen L-. Wade, <br />0 <br />(VI Proiect Budget (1 page) 10 points I <br />Persormel: <br />• One .85 FTE temporary RN starting Dec. 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 (34 horns/wk) <br />Dec: 132 hours April: 132 his. <br />Jan: 136 his. May: 1501us. <br />Feb: 1.361us. June:1481us. <br />Mar: 154 his, <br />TOTAL HOURS: 988 his. X $23.00/lu. = $22,724 <br />One .5 FTE temporary Nursing Assistant starting Dec. 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 (20 hours/wk.) <br />Dec: 96 hours Apr: 80 hours <br />.Ian: 88 hours May: 92 hours <br />Feb: 80 hours <br />Tune: 88 hours <br />Mar: 92hours <br />TOTAL HOURS: 616 his. x $14.0011u. = $8,624 <br />One .5 FTE temporary Medical Lab Technician I starting Dee 1, 2005 -.Tune 30, 2006 (20 hours/wk.) <br />Dec: 96 hours <br />.Tan: 88 hours <br />Feb: 80 hours <br />Mar: 92hours <br />Apr: 80 hours <br />May: 92 hours <br />.Tune: 88 hours <br />TOTAL HOURS: 616 his, x $16.00/lu = $9,856 <br />TOTAL PERSONNEL COST: $41,204 <br />Pharmaceuticals = $2,142 <br />(Based on average of'$306/month in start-up period X 7 months) <br />TOTAL BUDGET = $43,346 <br />It is anticipated that Orange County will continue to provide supportive funding for primary care services <br />in addition to earned revenue from Medicaid and sliding scale fees. <br />Location: .31 1 Ashe Avenue • Cooke Building • Governor Morehead Campus • Raleigh, NC 27606 <br />An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer