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H3: The intervention group will show a significantly better slope for life satisfaction scores <br />across the study period than the comparison group, <br />H4: The intervention group will show a significantly better slope for participation scores (as <br />measured by the Late Life Function and Disability Instrument) across the study period <br />than the comparison group, <br />4. Estimate the effect of the intervention on health outcomes. The following directional <br />hypotheses are to be addressed: <br />H5: The intervention group will show a significantly better slope for self-reported health scores <br />(total health score, physical component score, and mental component score as measured <br />by the SF-12) across the study period than the comparison group. <br />H5: The intervention group will have significantly fewer hospitalizations by the end of the study <br />period than the comparison group, <br />1-17: The intervention group will have significantly fewer instances of referral to skilled nursing <br />or assisted living facilities than the comparison group. <br />B. Project Staffing <br />Malcolm Cutchin, Ph, D„ Sue Coppola, MS, OTR/L, BCG and Carol Siebert MS, OTR/L) at the <br />UNC Occupational Science Division and Vibeke Talley, OTR/L with the Orange County <br />Department on Aging are proposing a pilot project in Orange County to assess the benefits of <br />preventive home visits to the well elderly in the greater community. <br />Dr. Cutchin will be the principal investigator, If funded the money will go to UNC-CH, They will pay <br />the Department on Aging for the DoA expenses associated with participating in this project. <br />C. Project Timeline - January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2008 <br />A grant proposal to NIH will be prepared outlining the following. <br />• Project will run over two years, <br />• Preparation for the project will take 6 months. <br />• Four home visits are planned for a 12-month period, <br />• 60 people will be in the experimental group. <br />• There will be two additional groups; one receiving telephone calls, <br />and one with no service. <br />• Analyzing the data will take 6 months,