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2 <br />UNC Occupational Science Division is now applying for an NIH two year grant to investigative <br />further if preventive home visits help seniors (age 75+) age in place safely, maintain function, <br />maintain health (physical and mental), and improve their quality of life and reported life <br />satisfaction. If funded, the Preventive Home Visit Project would begin in January 1, 2007 and <br />end December 31, 2008. UNC Department of Occupational Science is requesting that the <br />Department on Aging collaborate in the study by having Vibeke Talley, the Department's <br />Occupational Therapist, carry out all the home visits for the project with students and be a part <br />of the research team. The UNC Occupational Science Division would be responsible for the <br />grant and would reimburse the Department on Aging for all expenses associated with her time <br />(part time-average 15 hours per week over a two year period) and pay the county's indirect <br />costs calculated by County Finance. The estimated cost to reimburse Orange County is <br />$56,194 over a two year period. Part of Vibeke Talleys current duties, those of CAP care <br />manager, would be assumed by and limited to a part time temporary employee. Based on <br />positive research findings at the end of the study, the preventive home visit project could <br />possibly be offered as a fundable service under the Older Americans Act, Medicaid or <br />Medicare. The current number of Department on Aging's home assessments will not be <br />reduced as a result of participation in this research project. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated cost for the Department on Aging's participation under <br />contract with the UNC Occupational Science Division would be $56,194 over a two year period <br />which includes the county's indirect costs. No County funds would be required for this project. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the Department <br />on Aging's Eldercare Services Division participation in the Preventive Home Visit Research <br />Project if funded and authorize the Manager to sign a subcontract commitment letter of <br />participation.