<br />• Provides solid waste reports and research for Director, Manager, and Board of Orange
<br />County Commissioners,
<br />• Staff s Solid Waste Advisory Board, attend meetings, prepare minutes and agenda items,
<br />• Prepares annual solid waste report for State,
<br />• Prepares, coordinates and researches required 3-Year Updates of ten year solid waste
<br />management plan for submittal to state,
<br />• Coordinates solid waste issues with other jurisdictions regarding impacts of plan on their
<br />activities and alternatives for service provision e.g. franchises, Pay-As-You-Throw waste
<br />collection,
<br />• Explores additional markets and techniques for producing marketable materials e.g, ground
<br />green glass, textiles, used building materials, and
<br />• Keeps abreast of regional, state and national program developments, participate in State and
<br />National recycling and solid waste management organizations.
<br />Position #5 Recycling Specialist
<br />This position's working title is Solid Waste Education and Outreach Coordinator and is
<br />responsible for providing solid waste management public information to the public. Duties
<br />include the following:
<br />• Schedules, designs and runs advertising in print and electronic media,
<br />• Produces and mails annual Waste Matters Newsletter,
<br />• Designs, produces and updates program brochures,
<br />• Conducts programs for school aged groups on request including lectures, demonstrations,
<br />landfill tours, compost workshops,
<br />• Places articles monthly in the CH Herald, CH News and News of Orange,
<br />• Maintain media contacts and write news releases as needed,
<br />• Place information in house organs including Orange Alive, Blue Thumb and Town Talk,
<br />• Develop, maintain and update web pages,
<br />• Provide recycling services and solid waste education table at public events, fairs and
<br />festivals,
<br />• Make County's recycling and waste reduction displays available to community groups,
<br />• Set up recycling information display boards at public sites,
<br />• Promote backyard composting through amoral bin sale, use and maintenance of
<br />demonstration sites, workshops, articles and advertising,
<br />• Publicize the Orange Community Recycling and Waste Reduction Programs and waste audits
<br />to local businesses and institutions including Chambers of Commerce,
<br />• Conduct outreach to faith community through churches,
<br />• Conduct ongoing new employee orientation on solid waste matters,
<br />• Outreach to Spanish and other non-English speaking groups, determine needs for recycling
<br />information in other languages,
<br />• Supervise APPLE interns from UNC and their project development,
<br />• Coordinate with other solid waste personnel and divisions within the Department and other
<br />jurisdictions in the County, and
<br />• Maintain professional contacts in the region and around the State and coordinate outreach
<br />efforts when possible.