Usavor weha in gram Aad We Licedutt wish. W Pcgwm es It.., a vi irs ail plagued And pro r au, [.Me]., tabled to the Application of Posi-shal CovLT System, the ragman and
<br />aquipmcvt uliliced to apply the sore at A apni0e slit Inuduhdeanov night mulu¢I pmmisu set tonic an poi. hemp agent as follows:
<br />SECTION hDelnlUom LL "Llca.A0 ProduclO me. We Pos4Sbe0 Corer System its products, POS6Paks, pnc udl «chrials" or tuber hnfomulioe reining 1. We use, creation am
<br />Ii,ficaaon ofthe Pon.she Cover Systm
<br />id"rje a "mans the wn oralle labor We PWIi Shell C varSyslam will be used, as deunbW on page one Dfflie egraeson.
<br />13 "Pat,, -Weans any mupbcd plot invenlnta unhfium an older Photo form of i<pl p ot,raP. provided order do dews or any country ear Tartimry in do word fur a. Margin,
<br />ivvemfv or pm.aa And Improvement or.ddh0oa M.W.loctal., We epplawass for such legal pronto
<br />IA "Anndlnlnn F.nnlnmenl" mends she equipment veswry ab1eM stow idle ingmdienle aM apply the licevcd Pmdva, including, but not limited m, sn ISC Poshlhdi Appiicslw
<br />andI cHmvnnot Silo.
<br />SECTION YUms a of Patent Ll no U.. hereby grams and eme, to grunt tire Uramu We eAllusho right W.[Ill. Urc Lamed Products ode We Nouns owned a.i,,d a,
<br />IlceaM to the Ucemar during Ill. ern of all Agmnrcvt I. the Territory. excluding any rights to sude icerve or sea be umered products within the Terrilary or clsewhem.
<br />SECTION}Appaaton Fquipmem 35 The Liecosar bang to We Usemce snit flit UCrmee hamby loses And haeorbam the Licenser the Appiicadon Equipment
<br />33 Te_rmr. The term ofihe Agrcemcnl ospecdng the Application Equipment.... on the Mule said [Arno ofpgwptvvt arrive At We Terrilory. The dwauon he AA ¢,mMad as page at
<br />of all agmemenL
<br />Dd Fee The an for 11. Application Egwp.em Moll[ be We Mason defined m page one rise Licsee dull pay We Use., rent vs deunbed on pill ..a I. We Amounts And an die time
<br />set fNS at Um oama of We Uuuw tons Auelt comer'... end/m at am): oferplae v¢ Me Licen¢ornuy, tram time to time, d.hgmm in writing.
<br />3A Ihe. TIn Ucevs« shall case We Appiadon Equipmem in a careful and people =met and soil comply wilt and mount to di m ouniom from licenor Means m me pgrou. o, us
<br />and mdnlevn. of such EqulpmnL Except as oWawae Allowed by it. Lt...,. We Application Equipment limit only be dead to apply the Lcenad Pmd.m Tim use of the Appiiwtion
<br />Equipment with n..Ll..ed findings shelf irmacdlmly lemdnen all wammtes under thus Agmegood and all helped warranties, and soli be considered a non<mabk default by the
<br />Licev<e under We Agreement
<br />34 Tome tla". The Uc.Amr doll, at Any sad Ali Mi. during it. baives kwon. save at, night to all, hmo end upon do prime. whom the Application Equipment racy be ]Doled far die
<br />pal scorinpeting Wtwmewobmingibmw LiunttaInil Cive Liccnm hmvdine rrotice of any aaehmenlmany othmfMkWl yrocessaffttlivg avy [remofPquhpmem And ¢ha1L
<br />wM1oever rtqummd by llce.or. sdvte lJ.r¢mr o[We lead futon of We equrymcm To Application EquipmemsInll m.uin wihin WC Tenitary - maxptwithpriorwriuencoae.lofam
<br />Woman
<br />3.6 Imnravement. WlWOUtpdorcovcntlithe U«nmr, We Uunu AIniI tot make myalteatioq Addhioo or ilrpmvetn<m Ito We PgWprrcnt.
<br />3.7 Heiress. The Liatua. a1 its Dsvn at and expose, Moll leery flit attainment I. Cord rtpair, wndiloo vM waking oNer AM Moll forms say AM All party, mechanhms AM device
<br />rMand a kcal, an apartment a good mcconlcal and waking under and atonal, at the can afWe equipment Ices to mum the Application egWpment to W<U«nw in We same condition It
<br />was encdvW (eawplivg nomni war). Pm LluduorMlal sgttt to coopwm wily the Ilunee wIW respecno Ur iwt ngwsad by the tia<nsu to andendn the Equipm<nb A W will lit, tile
<br />pan within 24 ham, ifpafia, ofrtafpt are pmehae underlay the U«ns<e
<br />311 I.Imuld lVA1.,, The U.mor wamzntfrom rmntfintvms defects&samd war the pans desobW; diesel power unit pact including eommnil pans), hydraulic pumps&.elon,
<br />wheels, ed. & Parings, thmWe am pump Moll levee, Pmpessa, cavity pump, hydmuiie it room And Wn for Iim period of this Agecrool M d upon receipt by Um L gem' of it.
<br />maifwdatdng Pan subjects round, than Lancommull, whadn 24 head, Ifpossibk, ship to the Llccrea<l¢ wrrMc4 pan properly repaired or, in tot aomalive, s new pa at the sole cost
<br />of the Ucemw. The UMnae stall ba lespovWie for nil Was, ..listed wills U. removal Ail repbument of lot defeclve pan. gaucho provided by the Uccvm.lull be Invested at
<br />S55.ONhomforaavel, S]S.ONMafor labor. Tim Uunwm¢kurewAmain, dlhle aprs wimpilcd es to Any mncr whit«an,?ther ties timee warmnika alluded hcrtia ialuding
<br />whOmut Ol f
<br />We tio of tir pea enl fi mm ilry or Its pram for Any parUCWArpmpos. pmvdcd Imw<ver. the Ucemar does walmol lot Ibe Appiicalion Equipmcnl b
<br />soluble for um Application n crib Ltally nd thotl AaulMt .W M in Um Toaimnionry.
<br />d Rteeme . The Lima. ett omby aSl d bear Weenuretlskoloss dnm gt soUrament wenLe onflusen, wuraM tsar enddefects veogtorknonlw
<br />damage to tlr Equipment ar Avy pm thcrtofatull inpabary vny obilgAlion of We Li«mme ce urvmr Ihob Agrtenem hichh ilall ull Mvtinum nu< in in full tome And coca I. !ntio the w offs oreoung. darnge of
<br />(a) Platt Um same In CMd repaG. Mndiuiov And ongiv) waking oNer(eueplin6pomul wear) arpvy W cash m We Li.nor the Arvwl to do se; or
<br />(h) Repdece the wine with like Appliuthaa Rquipmol in good repG, condition and working onset, or if the same is determined by We Ltcomor to be tons, salon, destroyed or
<br />tlarvgedbeyoW mpdr. We listings: soil;
<br />(c) Pay Ummwtirmfom in cash We following tom nit: Horizontal Silo-Modal FW30T ® 5t 15,00D.W aacb, Painkiller- Model PSA 2000 ® 5140,000.00 each
<br />3.10 Terminallom Upon We eaphntion or tomtnation of glib Agreement wild mspcr f Any hem ofAMIkeldon Equipmem Wv Uc<mce Moll rtlum the same 1D We tic<mor in gait repair.
<br />coudi0ovvM working older, mdirerywcar aW tnr.s,,led
<br />5,11 Innrrena. Dunce dell kacp Ue Equipm<m Wlued against vii risks of Ins or &ma,e from every Host wInaoercr for not less tluv 16e full replacement value (ss ¢pnified iv 3.9
<br />above) and 31WIl carry public liability and properly &Mae hnmanee covering operation of the PquipmenL To Liccas« Plait name it. licenor as low pnyea on any policy Mesa, ran
<br />aqui'ma a specified in 3s (c) above am she Um Mae.., Moll be vmad as additional Inured unda any Congrebemive General L[MURY poll, covering the opermtea afWe equiprm.t
<br />5.12 Lft.,.nd tiles. no Norman soil keep Equipment an, And deaf of All levies. liens and el¢umbmoc. AM dell toy license ft.. m,etmarn fees, saamrnl Burg. and We. witch
<br />ivy now arher.lerbe i rr osN ..a, ne ofine Equipment
<br />543 m[ demnln. no Lill.. shell [Wirral the UMmor aping, and hold the Lumor Incomes Wm any and all chino, vciinns, soin pmleado, cast, exp..., daru,io ad
<br />obhiitiu, including attorneys tees, Probing out of or comm.ed with or rceWting from We possession, cal, oparelan or return of doe Equipment Tim UMnor still Indemnify Wt Ullman
<br />Agmni sW hold We Lkcv.IurrN<. from any sad nil cbfa. adbv, soils, prowewn,z, coals, expcn., damrge aM IbblllUal including snomays fe.. Arising on Afar connected with
<br />(u)
<br />(b)
<br />(e)
<br />(d) To Iem6naleIbis /
<br />(e) To PUmntanyoo
<br />liable for al fall I
<br />SECTION 4-IVSOivency 44
<br />uivenlup 6 ummcmed by and e
<br />LJcevct souk. Any assignment for
<br />days thereof., or if. mceiver is'.
<br />Evinec h a. Liguouor dull W.
<br />.led a 0o aril ciflhc Uuntt AI
<br />43 'Om Artificial. retention, u
<br />except As expressly All fait
<br />SECr10N 5•Pavmoa 5.1 As
<br />53 As consideration far the"scannM del
<br />event that lm Llcanee doms not fulfill the
<br />4
<br /><nl fie to pay Any mat orolbcr signora hcmin pmvidcd for wlWin 10 days all.lhe some a due and
<br />keep orprfumtoy olarpmvision aline Agreement required to be observed kept orptfarmN by
<br />le a As any sM.11 hmrn of Application Equipment without MUce or denund m fftetwm
<br />magnanedbyeroh Wingrfpsmasina Anysuchaking
<br />Me Li.morcepraaly so nmifai am Monaco in writing;
<br />htom.r Applcatan Eauinmenh or
<br />my be
<br />of law.
<br />a to say
<br />vurinegwty. Nmwithsmnding.ny McuM ssen......y cho.ohn, which it. Ucemar.. Wks, the LJUnce sleli be AM in
<br />'ail obli,ntlo. on the ton of flit Lfensee to be performed under the Agreement
<br />g ce -a nor Any interest therein is aoigwble or Wafcmblc by epemllon of 1Pw If any pmce ing end. a Raul cry Ad or act of
<br />u, ar trial LJmntt t Adjudged bmmveni o1 tithe
<br />itsweel or Uvwritofnmche Lineman t a tlevied on Any item or items therm And (nnot reloaed Dr of Oil ilpn10
<br />Y pmueding or Action n In which th Me LimaLe a puny with awbariy to eke possession or ou co comical of any Item or items Application
<br />mu Any one of it rtmcdl. And this Agre<m<nt sluii, cat lie optI.. on o(tlm Li«nor, without police, hmm:Jelely ¢mJvto Ur Am slid sluli ..the
<br />c ace,boption
<br />I amen be nit mmsin We sole and eulnsirc pmpoy of the lJUmor vM We lkeaee alai have no agog tike or alertMl lmmin or thermal,
<br />for the lease of die Applicalim Equipnmt AM Ucamo tlm Ucsnee sled pay Iir LJcemor rant as specified on past one or a
<br />m Pan due....a Am enbiecun A I%rmmLiv fm. he-4 -11- m,.r ".."¢... ¢..h....
<br />SECTIOAN FDUe and Taxes 61 All dues, axn v,
<br />product a this Agreerern dull be paid by the U«aee.
<br />SECTION]-PubOdty and Tadamarks 7.1 Teo:
<br />protons. 73 T¢ Lkeaonlall love the dnM m nuM4
<br />still o¢. TI
<br />Product.],
<br />g3 Prior to
<br />of Ole We ,moat, a< Laenee loll pen the Lters* ha apreNoce whit tie p^^, arntledia and Ioplc one of Ibis aim W vt In We
<br />of speed upos mom all equiptrcm /a previously mile will WimIB d Invoiced by 1k.uor w rcOcm We
<br />inn ithoTwo Ydurain aonit5 9ONnlh; or vi HoriMnml Silo Q 51gDD.DD/month
<br />in all without Anyclad«t fmtfinor Nmo.Golderagsto ent or ,
<br />o1lmrAcpv. impesM by ay any Government r Gevemmem AgcvY I. canncaion wilt We valvitlts concluded vad paymcot made
<br />Met Moll love the eight In make reference. I. vdvobing malerigle eM Momis, to W< LJceam or flit amt of Ibe Lanced
<br />:hieneofig. Ucened Productsm an moral, far provuaovi and cnsunce, form. purpose
<br />gd The ACre<.evlteDec6ve upon We exccutioo by We paNn herclo.
<br />Agrtementsoil expimaAy.iedDn tote oncwmm?dlEM by pml,crly exnorcJ Add.NUm Lmossorv,mesdunirc Ncenee
<br />ms and conditions as We Agreemcnhpmvh ad, however, thin upon said renewed by We Lmeves, On price to be paid for We Licensed
<br />erred Nudvt upon commencement ofibe mlewd ton
<br />b In thus Atocemea We Lkcnw msl, in in option, mnahea this Agreement if Ibe Llcomc:
<br />(b) Is ducamd InolvM6 files a voluntary petition for oil upfy or lus filed Against it no Involuntary pcdthon which a not Played within 00 dap Werwler. or ilgwdams, for oy
<br />mason other titan vs o ton of We m atfameahon orac Limnee as an ongoing be lens; or
<br />(e) t L ID perform soy olhm obligation mquimd under this Agoemcnl within Ica days ale, medvj oofue efany such 6hlure by Um pcq?uor, or
<br />(d) Allows [lie leleese wdeclonurc to any onpamdnad thW'eri. enemy Ramrhnad learmil &hg masoofNOemn lb 0,rt aanC
<br />(a) Cott mdt A....bit default AM. Wt Agmarvnt
<br />IIA o rho even Uul Ibis Agreement t Imandedexprovided omha, no vmMm paid ade, We Agreement shall be mfirmcd to the !momma Posher. IIrc 1J«mu shall case to use all
<br />UmvNPmdoct, or Appii.Gon EquiplvnL I«ludag Ldaned Product aMsdy in We poscssion of We Licensee.
<br />SECf10N9-GOVerrln91AW 9.1 Tbb Ag =ntsWlibcc=MWodpvemcdby Webwsofsubsauccof We SoleofNcw Yok.,
<br />SECTION 10.Mbutanma 10.1 The Ummee's right AM WhIfion coal the Agmcn enl say not be assikmed or tovrelrid to'oimiftJ Pcion'or inmy. Accept with the wntmn
<br />approsai afWe U'la an
<br />10,2 All captions I. Ibis Agreavtat.. g]A. only for convenienw vW but no legal force
<br />10,3 In The event flu: any Section or pan of the Agreement still] be held by a Coun ofcompetentjurisdiclion to he udawal or r, ouch golden an par toll be dcavd severed from Wh
<br />Agreement and the wihdity Wereafsoli bass no effect on We validity of We remainder afWe AMCMAL
<br />IDA This Apccrnent coulllma We cmien agreement bctw.o We panin wild respect It the subjcm Inlucn b<rtofanJ ail prtextting ne,AOlhan, werespnderre, ar vgrtemcnt am awl And
<br />aid upon Ac.vdon car We AMC=nL
<br />IDS Ali vacMlooLL; and shamanist of UP Agiccmmt dull be mach only punnnl to a wnnen historical metaled by the prtha to We Apeement And their anfloand mpmoWdve
<br />10.6 Any nmiees, raquut, ='Ano de, wblaboreas or In her conalmnicalinm required or pemdued by Ong Agreement dull be given in writing and, for all purpwa, mull be deelm l given and
<br />Westin on cartels vended delivery date, or after 10 days of mailing, ifdepmlyd by an moil (which soil be c<nifird or mallartd, with postage pre-pmd),aad properly Addressed In either
<br />pry vs deslgvmd An ,All one ofllds MgMm.L
<br />I
<br />fund Posi-Poke are registered trademarks of Iandffll Service Corporation