Orange County NC Website
28 <br /> Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br /> 400 Jones Ferry Road <br /> C)WASA P.O. Box sss <br /> • <br /> Carrboro, NC 27510 <br /> (919) 968-4421 <br /> STATEMENT TO THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 19) THE COUNTY'S <br /> • ZONING ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br /> REGARDING THE PROTECTION OF WATER SUPPLY WATERSHEDS <br /> _ Superior Courtroom, Orange County Courthouse <br /> Hillsborough, North Carolina <br /> August 23, 1993 <br /> Orange Watct and Sower Authority's position on the proposed watershed protection requirements <br /> is summarized as follows: <br /> • Strong support and appreciation for strict measures to be left in place for the University <br /> Lake watershed. <br /> • Support for amendments pertaining to the Jordan Lake Protected Area. <br /> • Disagreement with and substantial concern regarding proposals to weaken existing <br /> regulations in the Cane Creek watershed. <br /> The Authority respectfully requests the Board of Commissioners to apply the following interim <br /> regulations to the Cane Creek watershed, pending completion of the comprehensive watershed <br /> study to be conducted for OWASA and subsequent actions taken pursuant to its recommendations. <br /> 1. Continue to prohibit all commercial or industrial land uses throughout the Cane Creek <br /> watershed. <br /> 2. Apply the same minimum lot and impervious surface limits to the entire Cane Creek <br /> Reservoir watershed as proposed for the University Lake watershed, basically 5-acre <br /> minimum lots plus other strong protective measures. <br /> 3. Allow the provision of water and wastewater service only through individual onsite wells <br /> and disposal systems; no municipal or community level wastewater disposal. <br /> There is ample justification for assigning more protective rules to Cane Creek than to other WS-U <br /> watersheds in Orange County. The Cane Creek watershed merits special protection for a number <br /> of very important reasons including: <br /> • Field observations and unreduced monitoring data suggest that water in the Cane Creek <br /> Reservoir may be of substantially lower quality than originally predicted. <br /> An Equal Opportunity Employer <br /> an .J T7h110UOOT0 'rut VLIJ 'u 'C'u 'M 'n nest TuJ ce_c _A MI <br />