Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY-CITY OF DURHAM COURTESY REVIEW SYSTEM <br /> A. PURPOSE <br /> To provide the governmental units of Orange County and the City of Durham with a process for <br /> receiving information and providing comment on existing and proposed land use activities and/or <br /> utility extensions within a mutual area of interest. <br /> B. PROCEDURE <br /> The jurisdiction in which the development application has been filed will send a copy of the site plan <br /> or other relevant material to the Planning Department of the other courtesy review jurisdiction. In <br /> the case of proposed new development, Durham and Orange County will send out their courtesy <br /> review material at the same time that they forward material for department or agency review. In the <br /> case of existing development, Durham and Orange County will send out their courtesy review <br /> material upon receipt and acceptance of an application for utility extension. <br /> When information about a proposal in a neighboring jurisdiction is received, the reviewing <br /> jurisdiction will review the proposal. Such information will be reviewed by the appointed or elected <br /> official(s) responsible for approving a project of similar nature in its jurisdiction. If the reviewing <br /> jurisdiction desires to comment on the proposal,it shall forward its comments within 14 days to the <br /> originating jurisdiction. <br /> If a reviewing jurisdiction finds that it needs or desires a period longer than 14 days in which to <br /> make its comment, it may request a longer time. The originating jurisdiction will decide, on a <br /> case-by-case basis, whether the review time can be extended. <br /> Comments received from the reviewing jurisdiction will be considered by the originating jurisdiction <br /> as part of its overall permit and/or utility extension approval process. <br /> C. TYPES OF PROJECTS TO BE REVIEWED <br /> The types of projects to be considered under courtesy review include: <br /> 1. Any development application involving a project(existing or proposed) in Orange County's <br /> jurisdiction or portion thereof and/or which would be provided with public water and/or <br /> sewer service by the City of Durham, including, but not limited to, the following: <br /> a. Conditional use and/or special use permit applications for"major projects."A"major <br /> project"is any development to be located on a lot or parcel two or more acres in size <br /> or involving a building or structure with over 20,000 square feet in gross floor area. <br /> b. Major subdivisions and mobile home parks. <br /> c. Non-residential projects. <br /> d. Rezonings and land use plan amendments. <br /> 2. Any proposed annexation by the City of Durham of land area which is part of Orange <br /> County's jurisdiction. <br />