Orange County NC Website
B. Advertise and recruit for the position of Senior Health <br /> Promotion Coordinator. Interview prospective <br /> candidates. Hire, supervise, manage, and pay the <br /> salary and benefit to the Senior Health Promotion <br /> Coordinator in accordance with Orange County Policy; <br /> C. Submit invoices to the FRIENDS on March 15, June 15 , <br /> September 15 and December 15 of each of the three years <br /> to cover incurred personnel cost of the Senior Health <br /> Promotion Coordinator; <br /> D. Provide quarterly expenditures and progress reports to <br /> the FRIENDS for transmittal to the TRUST; <br /> E. Monitor the programs and activities to determine if <br /> they comply with those listed in the GRANT, and provide <br /> quantitative/qualitative program reports to the FRIENDS <br /> as required in the GRANT; and <br /> F. Participate in setting measurable objectives for each <br /> program/ activity and be an active participant in a <br /> regular evaluation of these to determine if objectives <br /> are being met. <br /> III . MAXIMUM SUM: The maximum amount to be paid by FRIENDS to the <br /> COUNTY under this AGREEMENT, shall be $32,539 per year for <br /> each of the three years. <br /> IV. AMENDMENTS: This AGREEMENT may be amended in writing by <br /> mutual agreement of the COUNTY and the FRIENDS . <br /> V. TERMINATION: In the event that the FRIENDS shall cease to <br /> exist as an organization, or shall significantly reduce its <br /> services during the term of this AGREEMENT, or in the event <br /> that the COUNTY desires to discontinue supervision of the <br /> Senior Health Promotion Coordinator position the FRIENDS or <br /> COUNTY may terminate this AGREEMENT upon 60 day notification <br /> to the other party. <br /> IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereunto cause this AGREEMENT to <br /> be executed in their respective names . <br /> This the // day of j 1994 . <br /> THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FRIENDS OF THE CHAPEL HILL <br /> SENIOR CENTER <br /> Chair, Board of Commiss, •n `rs President <br /> ATTEST ,l e: ` ATTESTm <br /> Coun y Clef, Secretar , <br /> -3- <br />