Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-16-1993
Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
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Last modified
2/14/2017 3:52:49 PM
Creation date
2/14/2017 2:35:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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9 <br /> adolescents (5.66/100,000) is 22% higher than that of the state and homicide accounts for <br /> four percent of deaths under the age of twenty. <br /> Social: <br /> In Orange County almost thirteen percent of children aged 0-17 live at or below the poverty <br /> level.. Approximately, 2,050 (21%) of Orange County Public school students receive free or <br /> reduced rate for meals. During 1987, 98 cases of child abuse or neglect were substantiated in <br /> children and adolescents aged 0-17 in Orange County. According to the North Carolina Advocacy <br /> Institute, Orange County ranked 90th in the state for reported cases. <br /> Nationally it is estimated that there as many as 1 million homeless and runaway adolescents <br /> each year. In Orange County nobody really knows how many children and adolescents are <br /> homeless, either living in homeless families or on their own, but in a recent survey done by <br /> social service agencies in Northern Orange County it was found that sixteen females aged 16 to <br /> 19 were found eligible for a group home setting secondary to homelessness as defined by <br /> presently living outside of their nuclear family and lack of a consistent place to live. <br /> Delinquency is a major problem in Northern and Southern Orange County. Presently, there are <br /> thirty five Northern Orange County youth involved in active probation cases and forty five <br /> Southern Orange County youth. The crimes are significant in that, if committed by adults, they <br /> would be punishable by the law. There are twenty adolescents who have been referred to the <br /> juvenile court as high risk for committing crime and are connected to a court counselor for <br /> appropriate referral and intervention. <br /> Academic indicators: <br /> School absenteeism secondary to medical and psychosocial problems is a significant issue for <br /> adolescents in Orange County. During the 1991 school year, there were 492 out of school <br /> suspensions and six long-term suspensions (remainder of year) for students in fourth through <br /> twelfth grade in Northern Orange County. The 1991 state dropout rate was 3.4 percent <br /> compared to Orange County's unduplicated dropout rate of 1.78 percent. The major reasons <br /> cited for dropping out were poor school attendance, health problems, child care issues and <br /> chronic discipline problems. <br /> Summary: <br /> Orange county enjoys a low unemployment rate, a low school dropout rate, a low pregnancy rate, <br /> and a multitude of medical services. The real picture, however, is of a county with a high <br /> number of its citizens living below the poverty level, too many students out of school before <br /> completion of their education and a large number of adolescents who do not, for various reasons, <br /> have a regular source of medical care. Psychological services are limited. The quality of life <br /> depicted by the unemployment rate and average income figures does not give us a picture of the <br /> group of adolescents who live daily with chronic medical and psychological issues that can be <br /> best addressed by a comprehensive approach to medical care that is unencumbered by roadblocks <br /> such as confidentiality, transportation and finances. <br /> OUTREACH PLAN <br /> A historical picture of the current Adolescents-in-Need, teen clinic, school network will best <br /> describe our outreach plan. <br /> In 1981 the UNC Department of Pediatrics developed a service project in Northern Orange <br /> County called Adolescents-in-Need. Links were established with the Orange County School <br />
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