Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-16-1993
Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
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Last modified
2/14/2017 3:52:49 PM
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2/14/2017 2:35:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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8 <br /> developing eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia resulting in adolescent clinic <br /> referrals. <br /> Mental health: <br /> Nationally, there is a higher reported lifetime prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems <br /> among 12 to 17 year olds living in urban areas (19.1%) in contrast to rural youth (16.5%). <br /> Despite the lack of baseline data to support advocating for the mental heath needs of adolescents <br /> in Orange County there is substantial anecdotal evidence to warrant the need for more mental <br /> health services. In the four years of service through the Adolescent Clinic at the OCHD it has <br /> become apparent that a substantial proportion of adolescents seeking care for medical problems <br /> suffer from psychological problems serious enough to warrant mental health treatment. It is <br /> the most prevalent issue not adequately addressed by the present health care system. In the <br /> school based Adolescents in Need project, the majority of adolescents followed on a regular basis <br /> have mental health problems causing significant morbidity. Problems range from post- <br /> traumatic stress syndrome secondary to the aftermath of physical or sexual abuse, loneliness, <br /> depression, suicidal ideations, loss of a parent through divorce or death, family dysfunction <br /> secondary to alcoholism, depression, schizophrenia and school truancy. In a review of forty <br /> four ongoing cases by school psychologist in Northern Orange County,forty three percent of <br /> clients were being followed for depression and suicidal ideations. During the present school <br /> year, in Northern Orange County, there have been two hospitalizations of adolescents for <br /> suicidal ideations and depression and one completed suicide in a child with known mental health <br /> problems. In Southern Orange County, three children, from three different schools were <br /> admitted for inpatient treatment of a mental health problem within the same week. Finally, <br /> over 900 contacts were made to a students involved in a Peer Helper Program (PHP) during an <br /> eight month period in Northern Orange County. Referrals were diverse with many centering <br /> around sexuality, loss/grief, depression, stress, academic pressure and relationships. <br /> Anecdotal evidence indicates that the mental health needs of adolescents in Orange County are <br /> diverse and unmet with the present system of care. <br /> Substance Abuse: <br /> Tobacco and alcohol are the primary drugs abused by North Carolina youth. One out of every <br /> four North Carolina adolescents uses cigarettes or smokeless tobacco on a regular basis <br /> compared to one out of ten who use marijuana, cocaine or other drugs besides alcohol. According <br /> to a 1987 survey, drug use among North Carolina youth was found to be equal to or exceed the <br /> national average and almost 13 percent of students reported coming to school drunk or high at <br /> least once in the previous year. For eleventh and twelfth graders, the figure was almost one in <br /> five. It is estimated that twenty percent of all students in the school system are projected to <br /> have or develop a problem with chemical dependency, serious enough to warrant intervention. <br /> This past year 227 students were referred to Student Assistance Program in SOC with twice as <br /> many white females being referred than the previous year and five students at one of the middle <br /> schools were referred for in-patient care. Substance abuse is a common problem in adolescents <br /> in Orange County and warrants further organized efforts at prevention and recovery. <br /> Mortality: <br /> In North Carolina the five leading causes of death among adolescents ages 15 to 19 are accidents, <br /> homicide, suicide, cancer and cardiovascular problems. Nationally more than forty percent of <br /> the deaths of sixteen to nineteen year olds are caused by motor vehicle accidents and ten percent <br /> by suicide. In Orange County, between 1988 and 1990, the rates of death among people under the <br /> age of 20 by accidents, both motor vehicle (9.90/100,000 ) and other (1.41/100,000), are <br /> 32% and 85% lower than the state, respectively. However, the suicide rate for Orange County <br />
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