Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-16-1993
Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
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2/14/2017 3:52:49 PM
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2/14/2017 2:35:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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7 <br /> eighteen percent of health forms reporting no physician. In other words, there appear to be <br /> many adolescents that do not have an identifiable source of primary care. <br /> According to school nurse records, NOC has twelve percent of sixth graders, fifteen percent of <br /> middle school students and thirteen percent of high school students that have significant health <br /> problems. In SOC, ten percent of teens have health problems requiring an emergency medical <br /> plan at school. When mental health problems are included the percentage almost doubles. In <br /> other words, it appears that there are a large number of adolescents with primary medical and <br /> psychological problems causing some degree of morbidity, such as absenteeism, poor self image <br /> and poor school performance. <br /> Pregnancy: <br /> In the U.S., over one million teens aged 10 to 19 become pregnant each year with a national rate <br /> of 109 pregnancies per 1,000 females and 44 abortions per 1,000 females between the ages of <br /> 15 and 19. Although, Orange County's total pregnancy rate (71.7 per 1 ,000) and pregnancy <br /> rate in the fifteen to nineteen year age group (62.6 per 1,000) continue to be lower than <br /> national and state rates, there is a significant number of unplanned pregnancies as indicated by a <br /> high number of abortions and the number of pregnancies in adolescents aged ten to seventeen. <br /> Orange County has the highest total abortion rate in the state (34.0 per 1,000) and ranks in the <br /> top ten counties for abortion rates in the fifteen to nineteen year old age group (46.1 per <br /> 1,000). In the past year there have been forty three known pregnancies in adolescent females <br /> within the two school systems, with eighty six percent of the pregnancies in high school <br /> students (ages 15-17) and the remainder in middle school students (ages 13 - 14). <br /> There is a striking discrepancy between total pregnancy rates (county rates, w 59.3, nw <br /> 121.4) and total abortion rates (county rates, w 24.6, nw 69.9) for the white and nonwhite <br /> populations in the state and county. A similar finding is seen in the fifteen to nineteen year old <br /> age group ( county pregnancy rates, w 47.5, nw 113.7, county abortion rates, w 36.6, nw <br /> 76.1). This same discrepancy between whites and nonwhites is found with total rates of <br /> inadequate prenatal care, LBW births, fetal deaths, neonatal deaths and infants deaths. <br /> Examination of the ten to nineteen year old age groups reveals that nonwhites have significantly <br /> higher rates of inadequate prenatal care, LBW birth and fetal deaths in contrast to whites having <br /> higher rates of neonatal deaths and infant deaths in the county and statewide. In other words, <br /> there are many unplanned pregnancies in adolescent females along with significant racial <br /> differences which appear to impact on the final pregnancy outcome. <br /> Sexually Transmitted Diseases: <br /> In 1992, over 385 adolescents were seen at the OCHD-Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) <br /> clinic for diagnosis and treatment of an STD with the majority (98%) between the ages of <br /> fifteen and twenty one. In North Carolina, for the year of 1991-1992, there were 29 <br /> adolescents between the ages of twelve and nineteen that tested positive for HIV and twenty one <br /> known cases of AIDS in the thirteen to nineteen age group. Orange County ranks in the top ten <br /> counties for the rate of AIDS cases. Sexually transmitted diseases, especially AIDS, are of <br /> increasing concern for our adolescent population. <br /> Nutrition: <br /> The nutritional needs of adolescents are of significant concern as gross evidence indicates that <br /> children are more sedentary, fatter, and less fit with immediate and long-term health <br /> consequences. A recent OCHD survey of adolescent clinic attendees indicates that approximately <br /> one third of adolescents in Orange County are obese. Additionally, more adolescents are <br />
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