Orange County NC Website
I2 <br /> Labs provided by the health department for the adolescent, are hematocrit, urinalysis, urine <br /> culture, throat culture, chlamydia culture, gonorrhea culture, wet prep, serum cholesterol, <br /> serum glucose, RPR serology, thyroid panel, HIV anonymous and confidential screening, AFP, <br /> Rubella and B Strep cervical culture. <br /> Reproductive health services available to adolescents are provided at both branches of the OCHD <br /> through the family planning and sexually transmitted disease clinic. Services provided are <br /> physical examinations, HIV testing and counseling, nutrition counseling, health education on <br /> contraception, dispensing of birth control and diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted <br /> diseases. <br /> Services specific to the expectant teen mother in the Northern Orange County branch are <br /> prenatal care which includes a series of prenatal education classes, nutrition counseling, WIC <br /> services, maternity care coordination by social workers, presumptive eligibility for Medicaid, <br /> prenatal medical care, home visitation to each mother after delivery and transportation. <br /> For the child of the teen mother, services free of charge include physical exams, <br /> immunizations, developmental screening, lead testing, vision and hearing screening, parent <br /> education and counseling, home visitation, child service coordinator for children with special <br /> needs and sickle cell screening and counseling. These services will continue to be offered to the <br /> children of the adolescent mothers when needed. <br /> Dental services are provided at both branches of the OCHD which include routine cleanings, <br /> extractions and restorations. A free screening examination is provided with the remainder of <br /> services on a fee for service sliding scale basis. Dental services are to be increased through the <br /> development of an adolescent dental clinic which will provide services at the same time as the <br /> adolescent clinic and by direct referrals from the adolescent clinic. This will allow students to <br /> access the same transportation source to and from school. <br /> Nutrition services are provided through the adolescent clinic in the form of annual physical <br /> examinations with measurement of specific growth parameters. Counseling and education is <br /> coordinated the by OCHD nutritionist who sees students at school and the home setting if <br /> necessary. The school nurse follows students at school with weekly weights and further <br /> nutritional education. <br /> A service unique to Northern Orange County is the Adolescents-in-Need (AIN) Project of the <br /> UNC Division of Community Pediatrics which serves at risk students in the Orange County <br /> School system. This project serves as a portal of entry for students when no service exists or <br /> service is fragmented. A medical/social work team provides counseling and guidance to students <br /> in their homes and at school. The medical person on the team is also the medical provider at the <br /> adolescent clinic described above. The medical/social work model integrates with existing <br /> county and school services to insure success in school, development of communication in <br /> families, health care access, and strong personal relationships among friends and significant <br /> others. Services are delivered at school and in the homes of teens, giving the service systems a <br /> complete picture of the environmental issues affecting the students' lives. The social work <br /> component blends with the medical component to provide linkages to services and resources that <br /> enhance the physical well being of adolescents. Linkages to school and service providers <br /> produces a model that is designed to insure comprehensive health and social services to students. <br /> Mental health services for adolescents are provided by the Orange Person Chatham Mental <br /> Health Center (individual and family counseling with sliding scale fee for services), school <br /> psychologists (educational testing and counseling), school social workers (counseling and <br /> networking), private mental health facilities (admission for life threatening emergencies or <br />