Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-16-1993
Agenda - 11-16-1993 - III-B
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Last modified
2/14/2017 3:52:49 PM
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2/14/2017 2:35:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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II <br /> and the manner in which to utilize and access these services. As the social work outreach plan <br /> begins in the Southern Orange Clinic, students in need of health services will also be identified <br /> through contacts at school. <br /> This networking will be facilitated by the Program Coordinator (the medical staff person in the <br /> Adolescents-in-Need Project) who will be available during the first cycle of the grant to set up <br /> the clinic and the supporting network. This person will spend time meeting with the above <br /> groups as she sets up the physical aspects of the clinic and meeting periodically with key <br /> individual providers from each agency. <br /> DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES <br /> The target community has a wealth of medical services available to its population. A major <br /> teaching hospital, a community health clinic and private physicians reach many people. The <br /> proposed clinic/outreach program will complement these services by providing free care to <br /> students who do not have access to comprehensive health care. <br /> Through county funding, an Adolescent Clinic was developed in the Northern branch of the OCHD <br /> and is staffed by a physician, nurse, clinic manager, lab technician and nutritionist. The clinic <br /> is held on one afternoon per week and provides care for 8-10 students per clinic day. <br /> Transportation is offered from school to clinic and all"services are free. The adolescent clinic <br /> provides services to teens aged 12 to 21 and recommends annual visits for physical <br /> examinations and health guidance. Follow up visits or referrals to other providers are <br /> scheduled as warranted by clinical signs or symptoms. <br /> Adolescents present with complaints ranging for acne to orthopedic problems to sexuality <br /> issues. On arrival to the clinic, adolescents fill out an intake form that helps them define how <br /> they are feeling physically and emotionally. This information is then used by providers to <br /> discuss issues relevant to the individual adolescents health and behavior. All adolescents under <br /> the age of eighteen are required to have permission from their guardian to be seen at the clinic. <br /> Confidentiality is guaranteed for family planning, diagnosis and treatment of STDs and mental <br /> health counseling. Acute or chronic medical problems needing referral, require permission <br /> from guardian for services to be rendered. <br /> Health guidance is part of each clinic encounter in order to promote a better understanding of <br /> physical growth, psychosocial and psychosexual development and to encourage the adolescent to <br /> become actively involved in decisions regarding their health care. Topics covered in health <br /> guidance are injury prevention, fitness and nutrition, sexual behaviors including abstinence, <br /> tobacco use, alcohol use and other substances including anabolic steroids. <br /> Screening services are available through the adolescent clinic for hypertension, <br /> hyperlipidemia, scoliosis, tobacco, alcohol and other substances, sexual behaviors, sexually <br /> transmitted diseases, depression or suicide, emotional, physical or sexual abuse, learning or <br /> school problems and TB skin test. If screening is positive, appropriate referrals are made to <br /> providers at local tertiary care centers, mental health and social service agencies. Follow up is <br /> coordinated through the referring physician, clinic manager, school nurse and receiving <br /> physician at the time of the referral. I" <br /> Medical care is provided for common problems seen in the adolescent clinic not requiring <br /> referral such as acne and other skin problems, asthma, musculoskeletal problems including <br /> minor sports injuries, headaches, sexually transmitted diseases, allergies, sinusitis, urinary <br /> tract infections, anemia, upper and lower respiratory ry tract infections, immunizations, stress, <br /> peer pressure, chronic abdominal pain and obesity. <br />
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