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<br />MEDTRONIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEMS, INC. <br />TECIINICAL SERVICE SUPPORT AGREEMENT <br />SCHEDULE B <br />L.IFEPAK®500 AED INSPECTION-ONLY WITH BAI'IERY OPTION <br />Ibis plan includes periodic inspections as described on Schedule A If'any repairs are requested by customer that <br />are not otherwise covered by warranty then customer shall pay Medtronic at its then current labor rate less 10%.. <br />Parts required for such repairs will beat i ~% less than the then current List price for the parts <br />• Customer retains the responsibility to perform the battery maintenance and evaluation procedures outlined in the <br />service manual and to replace batteries that do not pass the condifions outlined under "Discarding/Recycling Batteries." <br />Batteries failing to meet battery performance tests should be removed from service and properly discarded (recycled).. <br />!f customer provides evidence that a Medtronic Battery Pak fails to meet the performance tests noted above and/or <br />the Battery Pak age exceeds 2 years in the case of sealed lead acid batteries and 3 years in the case of lithium ion <br />batteries, Medtronic shad replace said Medtronic Battery Pak (like for like) i.e. L•IFEPAK 500 SLA for LIFEPAK 500 <br />SLA or L.IFEPAK 500 lithium ion for L IFEPAK 500 lithium ion, up to a maximum of 2 L IEEPAK 500 SLA Battery Pales <br />every two years or up to a maximum of i LTFEPAK 500 3ithitun ion Battery Pak every 3 years (including prior Support <br />Flan periods) per L•IFEPAK® 500 automatic advisory defibrillator (listed on Schedule A). To assist in proper <br />recycling and removal of'low capacity batteries, replaced Battery Pales become the property of'Medtronic and must be <br />returned ai the time of exchange.. <br />Only batteries manufactured by Medtronic are covered under this Service Agreement• Any batteries manufactured by <br />other sources are expressly excluded from coverage under this Service Agreement Medtronic cannot guararrtee the <br />operation, safety and/or performance of our product when operating with anon-Medtronic battery Repairs and inspections <br />performed under this Agreement meet original equipment manufacturer's product specifications only when operating with <br />a Medtronic battery. Any repairs, as determined by a Medtronic Service Representative, resulting from the use of a <br />non-Medtronic battery, will be billed at our standard list prices for parts and labor, including actual travel charges <br />incurred. <br />Inspections are performed Monday thru Friday Sam to Spm (excluding holidays}, <br />Reference Number: 572-2725 Renewal <br />Printed: 2/28/2007 Page 8 of $ <br />