Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:F7163211-DB22-463E-994F-9511800DB63B <br /> Arts in Education Application Narrative--Fall 2016 <br /> School Profile —a brief overview of population and services <br /> McDougle Elementary School's mission is:To support the academic and personal growth of all <br /> students through a positive, inclusive and collaborative culture. <br /> The school's vision is:Together we learn. Together we grow. Together we celebrate success as <br /> we go. <br /> Belief Statements of the school are as follows: <br /> 1. We believe a positive, supportive, collaborative and differentiated learning community <br /> is fundamental to sustaining a culture of learners. <br /> 2. We believe embracing mistakes and taking risks empowers all of us, students, teachers <br /> and parents, as learners. <br /> 3. We believe our success comes from holding students to high expectations and is <br /> measured in many ways. <br /> 4. We believe all students and staff bring strengths and experiences which are valuable to <br /> the entire school community. <br /> 5. We believe strong partnerships between home, school and the community will support <br /> authentic learning experiences for students and staff. <br /> The racial breakdown of McDougle's approximately 500 students is 58 White%, with the non- <br /> white portion composed of roughly 6%Asian, 16% Hispanic, 15%African American, and 5% <br /> multicultural students. The student population receiving free-or-reduced is approximately 31% <br /> at Smith Middle School. <br /> School's Art Program-a brief list <br /> The arts education program at McDougle Elementary School follows the Arts Education <br /> Essential Standards established by the North Carolina Department of Instructional Services. <br /> The arts are core subjects for elementary school students and include each of the following arts <br /> disciplines: dance, music,theatre arts, and visual arts. Elementary-aged students receive art <br /> instruction in their regular classroom as well as once per week in a separate classroom with a <br /> certified art instructor.The philosophy of the art program, according to the NC Department of <br /> Instructional Services, is as follows: <br /> "The arts have been part of life from the very beginning and are an inseparable part of <br /> the human journey. They have described, defined, and deepened the human <br /> experience.The arts are everywhere in our lives, adding depth and dimension to the <br /> environment we live in, and shaping our experience daily. The arts help students <br /> perceive and think in new ways. The arts are a powerful economic force as well, from <br /> fashion,to the creativity and design that go into every manufactured product,to <br />