Orange County NC Website
31 <br /> Orange County, NC <br /> Financial Plan & Rate Study for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund SCS ENGINEERS <br /> 3 .0 POTENTIAL SOLID WASTE OPERATIONAL <br /> CHANGES <br /> At the outset of the Study, the County expressed an interest in a brief review of the feasibility of <br /> future solid waste operations and financing options. The following discussion is intended to <br /> provide a description of the potential options to implement System operational changes intended <br /> to achieve the goals of revenue increase and expense reduction, in terms of potential advantages <br /> and disadvantages to the County. As County staff have noted, multiple small operations changes <br /> can aggregate into large impacts on Department effectiveness and efficiencies which could <br /> translate into reduced expenses. In this section SCS enumerates minor and miscellaneous cost <br /> saving and revenue generating items. <br /> 3. 1 OPTIMIZE COLLECTION CENTER HOURS/DAYS OF <br /> OPERATIONS <br /> One of the duties of collection center attendants is to record customer attendance on an hourly <br /> basis. The Eubanks and Walnut Grove waste and recycling centers received the most customers <br /> in FY 2015-16, with yearly customer counts of approximately 145,000 and 136,000, <br /> respectively. Note that these centers are open for a total of 59 hours per week, while the <br /> remaining three centers are only open for 27 hours per week. The Bradshaw center is the least <br /> used with approximately 38,000 customer visits in FY 2015-16. <br /> 3. 1 . 1 Collection Center Use by Month <br /> Consider making monthly or seasonal adjustment to waste and recycling center times of <br /> operations based on customer participation. In general,time of year does affect collection center <br /> use, with more customer participation apparent in the summer and less in the winter. <br /> 3. 1 .2 Collection Center Use by Day of Week <br /> Peak customer attendance occurs on Saturdays, although there is also high attendance on <br /> Tuesdays. Peak customer"density" occurs on Sundays by far. The order of most customer visits <br /> by day of week to least visits by day of the week is as follows: Saturday, Tuesday, Friday, <br /> Sunday, Thursday, and Monday (there are no collection centers open on Wednesdays). The order <br /> of busiest or most customer-dense (as determined by most customer visits on a per open hour <br /> basis) day of week to least busy day of the week is as follows: Sunday, Saturday, Tuesday, <br /> Friday, Thursday, and Monday. If the County were to conduct collection center operations in <br /> order to minimize the ratio of operating cost to number of customers served, it should be done <br /> with consideration for the busy and less busy days. Customer visits by day of week is displayed <br /> in Exhibit 13 and peak customer density is summarized in Exhibit 14. <br /> 21 <br />