Orange County NC Website
\../ <br />$•------- Formatted: Right: 0.25" <br />hector regarding the ta,~ it's performance. This 7,>~~be done prior to the~mplo. et:'s Annual <br />Review. It is the Chair's duty to present these recommendations and reviews to the il•ector. <br />ARTICLEJX. MEETINGS <br />SECTION 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. The Commission shall meet on the second Thursday <br />ofevery month (except.luly) li-om 6:30p.m.-S:OOp.mtiCommittees, including.Ad Hoc <br />Committees, sh,~lll meet outside the re~~ularly scheduled meetings to conduct committee business. <br />SECTION 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall meet at least <br />quarterly. <br />SECTION 3. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the <br />request of a majority of the members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. <br />Except in cases of emergency (when a minimum of six hours notice shall be given), at least <br />three-(3) days notice shall be given. <br />Deleted: Manager <br />Deleted: Director's <br />Deleted: shall <br />Deleted: Director's <br />Deleted: Manager. <br />Deleted: vm <br />Deleted: and December <br />Deleted: at (east once every other <br />month. <br />Deleted: Legislative and other <br />Deleted• ould meet at least once during <br />the intervening months when applicable. <br />SECTION 4. OPEN MEETINGS. All meetings of the Commission, including the <br />Executive C~,ommittet;,,~tandine committees, Ad HOC COn11111tteGS, SubC0117t171ttee5 and taSli tOrCI:S Deleted: e <br />are subject to the Open Meeting Law (N.C.G.S 143-318.13). Individuals and/or groups who Deleted: s <br />wish to make presentations should request time on the agenda from the Chair prior to the call to Deleted: committees, subcommittees, <br />Order. and task forces <br />SECTION 5. QuoRUM. A majority of the appointed members shall constitute a quorum <br />for the transaction of business at any time. <br />S>/CTiON 6. VOTING. Cach appointed Conunission member is entitled to a vote in <br />conductin~* oPlicial Commission business. Commission members may vote b~proxy when a <br />vote is properly noticed in the meeting aeenda, a ~7aper ballot is included in the meeting aeenda <br />and availabilit~proay is noted on the aeenda. Votes b~proxy Inay then be submitted prior <br />to the Commission meeting by email, phone or first class mail. <br />SECTION 7 RULES OF ORDER. All meetings should be conducted in accordance with Deleted: e <br />~7arhalnel7tar~prOCedt11'e.. Deleted: the latest edition ofRobert's~ <br />.. <br />_. - ----- <br />Rules of Order <br />ARTICLE.X. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Deleted:l <br />SECTION I. CONDUCT. In conducting Commission business, members shall recognize <br />and follow policies and guidelines established by the County Commissioners and the <br />Commission for Women. Should a member violate these policies or guidelines, the Commission <br />may ask the member to resign or recommend to the County Commissioners that they terminate <br />the appointment of such member. <br />ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS <br />