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11 <br />• Improving the economic circumstances of women by: <br />/ providing career counseling that will make women and girls aware of the <br />changing job market; <br />/ assuring access to job training and placement services <br />/ advocating better enforcement of federally-mandated gender equity programs <br />that encourage women to enter non-traditional and higher paying occupations <br />/ encouraging and supporting women who want to start their own businesses <br />/ advocating pay equity for individuals and pay for comparable worth for groups <br />of women at public and private sector workplaces <br />/ encouraging and recognizing family-friendly employers <br />• Building and maintaining affordable housing. <br />• Ensuring that all girls and women who are incarcerated are treated humanely and with <br />respect, and have access to legal assistance, education and job training. <br />• Training and education of all people, especially men and boys, to create more allies in <br />the work to the end the oppression of all women and girls. <br />ARTICLE III. PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this Commission shall be to promote the growth and development of all <br />Orange County women by serving as the official advisory body on the status of women to the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners by: <br />Identifying the status of womenrn Orange County by assembling information and <br />conducting original research; <br />2. Disseminating information on the status of women; <br />3. Recommending through resolutions appropriate actions regarding the status of <br />women; <br />4. Increasing public understanding of the problems, needs, and abilities of women; <br />5. Serving as a referral center for existing county services and as a clearinghouse of <br />information regarding the problems of women; and <br />6. Preparing a biennial report to the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP <br />SECTION 1. NUMBER AND QUALIFICATIONS. The Commission shall be composed of <br />twenty (20) Orange County residents appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The <br />Commission seeks a diverse membership representative of the population of Orange County. <br />CFW Bylaws PROPOSED AMENDED 02/08/07 <br />