Orange County NC Website
BOCC 3 <br /> Page 2 <br /> October 14, 1993 <br /> These factors include variables in hours of operation (example: <br /> Jail) , operating conditions (example: Motor Pool) , building use <br /> (example: comparison of Court St. Annex to Old Court House) , <br /> operation of high wattage electronic equipment (example EMS and <br /> Government Services Annex) . The analysis of available <br /> electrical consumption data is particularly problematic in that <br /> existing practices for metering electric consumption do not <br /> provide a means (through data evaluation) of pinpointing causes <br /> or areas of inefficient energy consumption. There is currently <br /> no way to utilize available data to differentiate among <br /> consumptive uses for lighting, air conditioning, air handling <br /> (blowers, fans) or operation of miscellaneous electric <br /> equipment. <br /> Electrical energy consumption analysis <br /> The electrical consumption table generally shows a trend of <br /> increasing electrical consumption through 1990 and decreasing <br /> consumption thereafter. A portion of that decrease is <br /> attributable to a comprehensive Public Works Department energy <br /> savings program, completed in 1990, in which energy efficient <br /> florescent tubes and ballasts were used to replace existing, <br /> less efficient florescent and incandescent lighting. <br /> Throughout the period covered by the data, it is generally <br /> apparent that the Moody, Whitted, Government Services Annex and <br /> Sheriff ' s buildings consume the most electricity on a per <br /> square foot basis. The Moody building is an all electric <br /> building (includes electric heat) while the Annex contains <br /> electronic gear and an air conditioning sub-system associated <br /> with the mainframe computer. The monthly use records for the <br /> Annex also indicate a very high seasonal consumption of <br /> electrical energy for general air conditioning. In all <br /> probability, this air conditioning demand probably has resulted <br /> from a combination of the building' s poor insulating <br /> characteristics and the use of the building' s attic as office <br /> space through August, 1992. <br /> The buildings with the lowest per square foot consumption of <br /> electricity are the Northside, Northern, Gym and Public Works <br /> Administration buildings. Public Works is one of the newer <br /> buildings and could be expected to be more energy efficient. <br /> Less than half of the Gym building is air conditioned, <br /> therefore electrical consumption at the Gym can be expected to <br /> be far less than other buildings which are completely air <br /> conditioned. <br /> Evaluation of the monthly electrical consumption data shows <br /> that peak monthly electrical consumption in most buildings is <br /> generally three to four times more than the lowest monthly <br /> consumption. As the peak consumption occurs in summer, a <br />