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Objective B: <br /> Reduce sediments, nutrients and toxins <br /> . . from nonpoint sources. <br /> onpoint sources of pollution such as septic tanks,agricultural <br /> operations and stormwater runoff are varied and difficult to <br /> regulate. Research and demonstration of new control meth- <br /> ods,often referred to as best man- <br /> . .°° agement practices (BMPs), can help re- 74%Agriculture Runoff <br /> duce this type of pollution at the source. 9% <br /> Incentives would be provided whenever Urban 4/ilt . <br /> possible on existing land uses to encour- <br /> Runoff <br /> age BMPs. Regulatory enforcement PE% <br /> would be used when water quality viola- w 6% Other "'" <br /> Construction 47 <br /> [ions occur despite available cost-share S� Forestry <br /> assistance. <br /> I<s gal <br /> ,...\x, <br /> For each <br /> river basin, develop P <br /> and <br /> implement me <br /> nt Plan 1 ntocoi <br /> control non-- <br /> <<::::.: <br /> m o Sfp oint source pollution b y 1999, as je airmen[ •Rlwes and re ms: :>;:::; <br /> part of the basinwide management <br /> :Due t Non pafSirce PolLut :: :sans. no <br /> Explanation: Plans would ad- <br /> dress all nonpoint sources of pollution in each basin, <br /> targeting the most critical areas for controls. These <br /> plans would identify the nonpoint source pollution <br /> problems specific to each basin. Implementation <br /> would vary according to each basin's needs.Plans also <br /> would include strategies to control nonpoint source <br /> pollution in accordance with the total maximum daily <br /> loads (TMDLs) established for each basin. Possible <br /> measures include targeted funds for implementation <br /> of BMPs, buffer strips along waterways and BMPs for <br /> Y <br /> hi hwa construction. <br /> g <br /> Expand funding to implement nonpo int sou rce pollution <br /> controls,particularly agricultural best management prac- <br /> tices through the N.C. 'culture Cost Share Program, <br /> gam►, <br /> ' """ and also to develop a broader Water Quality Cost Share <br /> Program by 1995. Expand the cost share programs to <br /> include wetlands restoration.Increase cost share funds to <br /> problem areas. <br /> Explanation:Economic incentives and technical assis <br /> tance have been effective in promoting nonpoint <br /> source pollution controls in agriculture. Under this <br /> initiative, the N.C. Agriculture Cost Share Program <br /> would expand and a new Water Quality Cost Share <br /> 12 <br /> • <br />